Saturday, June 1, 2019

Physics of Aikido Essay -- physics martial arts fighting fight

Aikido is the martial art that focuses principally on redirection and control of ones opponent (uke. Pronounced OO-kay). This consists of a set of throws and holds which are intended to abbreviate and control an uke without permanently harming them. On a spiritual level, Aikido is focused on bringing harmony of the body into harmony of others. Roughly translated Aikido heart The track of Harmony of the Spirit which holds true today, though different schools place different emphasis on the spiritual aspect.Aikido was first created approximatly 80 years ago by Morihei Ueshiba, and took a great many techniques from Jujitsu, Judo and Kenjutsu and modified them. Ueshiba focused on forming a martial art that placed a great emphasis on honourable and spiritual values as well as a system of techniques that would integrate with the philosophy of Aikido.What about the physics?On a practical level, Aikido is non a martial art of strength and power. It does not focus on throwing punches an d kicks to directly oppose an ukes attack. Instead, the focus on redirection means that the physical aspect of Aikido is primarily a dancelike type of motion that is very smooth and flowing. This allows the Aikidoist to harmonize with an uke. This harmonizing allows the Aikidoist to redirect an ukes energy and manipulate the forces that are acting on that person. From a physics standpoint, this means manipulating the location of an ukes center of mass to destabilize and ultimatly bring the uke to the ground. Make sure to swing by the Nifty Section to see some in truth in-depth and interesting history of Aikido.Basic physical scienceBig vs. SmallAikido is as much about basic physics as it is about the spiritual aspect. Aikido seeks to study the weak eq... .... A good source since Aikido and Judo are closely related. The Physics Of Forces In AikidoMaking The Weak Equal To The Stronghttp// wide-cut of highly informative bits of information. Originally ran in Scientific American, reprinted on this website. The Aikido FAQhttp// Site. Ever. Everything and anything you ever want to know about Aikido. Tenchi Nagehttp// collection of images and illustrative information. Physics in Hand-to-Hand Combathttp// article similar in content to the Scientific American reprint above. Very useful for basic reasonableness of relationship between physics and martial arts.

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