Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Jurisprudence and corporate Social Responsibility Essay - 1
Jurisprudence and corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example the â€Å"first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought.†Therefore, justice can be distinguished from compassion, mercy, generosity, benevolence and charity. The understanding of the concept of justice varies between societies depending on their mythology, religion and shared history. However, the common feature about the notion of justice in every society is that it is influenced by values created by the society’s ethics. Generally, justice has been viewed by societies as either harmony, natural law, divine command, a human creation, a mutual agreement, a subordinate attribute and even as a trickery. The duty of the ensuring that justice is accorded to every member of the society is a corporate social responsibility. There are different approaches or theories that can be applied in defining what constitutes justice in a country. The three theories of justice that will be discussed in this paper are Justice as Fairness, Utilitarianism and Libertarianism. According to utilitarianism, a society can be said to be just if its institutions and laws promote the greatest total or average happiness of every of its member (Hare 1982). The question in this theory is â€Å"how we determine the overall happiness and/or satisfaction of each member of the society?†Therefore, this theory can be said to provide an indirect approach to the issue of justice because justice is not like weight or temperature that can directly measured. Traditionally, utilitarianism relied upon the account of forms of organization and social conditions necessary for the realisation of this good. It also relied on the theory of human good, that is, that which was though to be good for human beings or that which they needed for them to flourish (Mary 1973). The problem here is that it is not possible for all people to agree on what type of things or life is desirable. For example, financiers, ministers, intellectuals, artists, soldiers, salespersons or athletes have
Monday, October 28, 2019
Teaching assistant Essay Example for Free
Teaching assistant Essay A child’s main development from a new born baby to a 2 year old infant consists of a completely dependent newborn to a child who can lift their head and crawl within 6 months. Around this age a child’s growth begins to slow down to a weight gain of 450-600 grams a month, to then developing those skills to being able to walk within 2 years. A 3 year old would increase by roughly 1.8 kilograms and 5-8 centimetres, stereotypically they should continue to grow taller and slimmer however this will depend on nutrition and genetic makeup. At the age of 6 a child continues to gain, specifically between 8 – 9 years old. 2. Analyse key social, economic and enviroment factors, which may influence development. Approximately around 2.5 million children in the UK live in poverty, this ineffectively creates a social disadvantage, resulting in parents not being able to provide the necessary nutritional balanced diet because they are unemployed or on a low income. Parents and children within this category tend to live in poor housing, which can lead to overcrowding which lack the physical and personal resources needed for a child’s growth. 3. Describe children’s overall development needs. A child’s environment is a key factor that can prohibit or aid development. A positive environment with love and care will develop their socialising ability into creating relationships with others. Factors such as overcrowding, air, water and noise pollution have been proven to prohibit a child’s growth and development.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
lisence to kill :: essays research papers
License to Kill Imagine being in a bar with a few of your good friends. Everyone is drinking and having a good time. You are going to leave and go home, but you friends won't let you because they know the dangers of driving after having a few drinks. Instead they call a cab to give you a ride home. You would be extremely lucky to have such smart friends. Drunk driving is a very serious problem in our society today, but it is becoming socially unacceptable causing the numbers of alcohol related traffic fatalities t o decline considerably. Drunk driving can be very deadly. Yet many people drive while under the influence everyday. Drivers who are drunk are blamed for the loss of as many as twenty-five thousand lives in highway crashes each year and hundreds of thousands of severe injuries. It is thought that drunk drivers have a long history of doing this and many prior arrests. In addition, most of those killed are just innocent victims whose behavior did not contribute to their deaths. These last two statements are both false. On aver age a drunk driver that kills has never been involved in an alcohol related accident before and have no prior convictions for drunk driving. The part about the people killed are just innocent bystanders is unexaggerated also. Most of the drunk drivers victims are the drivers themselves, their often passengers, and the drunken pedestrians and cyclists. Despite this drunk driving is still very dangerous. It is the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in America today. In fact it is said that about 40 % of the population will be involved in a alcohol related crash during their life. Drunk driving is especially dangerous to young people, who seem to be more involved than others. Drunk driving is the number one cause of death among y oung people, accounting for 20% of all deaths from ages 15 to 20. Drunk driving is such a hard thing to overcome though. In our society alcohol is overwhelmingly accepted as a facilitator of sociable interaction, and the great majority of adults drink. But steps a re being taken and the numbers of deaths are declining. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities have been decreasing lately. As a proportion of all traffic fatalities it has been decreased since 1999. In fact since 1999 the number of alcohol related traffic fatalities has decreased 30%, from 25,165 to 17,699, while alcohol-related traffic fatalities, as a proportion of all traffic fatalities, decreased from 57% to 45%.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Chesnutt’s Evolving Treatment of the Color Line Through Naturalism Essa
Chesnutt’s Evolving Treatment of the Color Line Through Naturalism in â€Å"A Matter of Principle†and The House Behind the Cedar’s Charles W. Chesnutt, a well-educated mulatto man, lived his life on ‘the color line.’ Chesnutt’s skin was very light and was sometimes mistaken for a white man. Chesnutt chose to identify himself as a black man, but in his works, his characters move back and forth across the color line and struggle with the world they exist in. The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line was published one year before The House Behind the Cedars and included the short story, â€Å"A Matter of Principle,†where Chesnutt clearly begins to explore what options are available to a mulatto man and his family, which will later evolve in Cedars. Chesnutt incorporates his philosophy of literary naturalism to show John Walden, Rena, and Mr. Clayton in relation to their surroundings and as governed by their instincts, passions, heredity and environment. The physical nature of a person carried great weight in the South. Both John Walden and Cicero Clayton are very light mulatto men with good educations, wealth, and clear ideas about how the world should work, mostly in their favor. The South Carolina society in which they exist considers the men black, despite their outer appearance and treats them as such. This treatment is often base and degrading causing the men to feel that they have been harmed by the small amount of black blood coursing in their veins. The reader is told that as a young boy, John Walden thinks that â€Å"the mirror proved that God, the Father of all, had made him white†¦having made him white, He must have meant him to be white†(The House Behind the Cedars 107) . The stories reveal John and Clayton’s u... ...erican Literature." Literary Movements. (Updated 02/22/03). (Accessed 12/08/03). <>. Chesnutt, Charles W. â€Å"A Matter of Principle.†The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line. NC: U of NC at Chapel Hill Electronic Edition, 1997. Chesnutt, Charles W. The House Behind the Cedars. NY: Penguin, 1993. Chesnutt, Charles W. â€Å"Letter to George Washington Cable.†25, July 1890. â€Å"To Be an Author.†Eds. Joseph R. McElrath, Jr., and Robert C. Leitz, III. NJ: Princeton UP, 1997. Duncan, Charles. The Absent Man: The Narratives of Charles W. Chesnutt. Athens: Ohio UP, 1998. Works Consulted Keller, Frances Richardson. An American Crusade: The Life of Charles Waddell Chesnutt. Utah: BYU P, 1978. Wonham, Henry B. Charles W. Chesnutt: A Study of the Short Fiction. NY: Twayne Publishers, 1998.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Societal Effects of Totalitarian Control in 1984
The main goal of Totalitarian government is to limit and regulate every aspect of public and private life. George Orwell’s novel, 1984, illustrates a society lacking in freedom and expression. His fictional society in 1984 stands as a metaphor for a Totalitarian society. Communication, personal beliefs, and national loyalty are controlled by the inner party which governs the people of Oceania in order to keep society from rebelling. Oceania, where main character Winston Smith lives, is ruled by the INGSOC. The Inner Party, controlled by Big Brother, dictates several aspects of the people’s life. The Inner Party’s aim was to make any other alternative thinking a â€Å"thought crime†or â€Å"crime think†. The Inner Party only allows words that empower or respect the Inner Party and Big Brother. An example of the control the Inner Party has over the people is found in Syme’s dialogue on page 46, â€Å"It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words†¦You haven’t a real appreciation for , Winston†¦Don’t you see the whole aim of is to narrow the range of thought? †As a society, Oceania has been brainwashed to use only words or phrases that empower and respect INGSOC . Syme, who rewrites the dictionary using and erases oldspeak, understands the purpose and follows the rules because he has been trained. The overall concept of is designed to control personal beliefs of the citizens by limiting their form of expression. Controlling the communication fits with the Totalitarian aspects of governing. During the Cold War, communication was stifled between America and the Soviet Union. George Orwell envisioned the lack of communication could possibly result to total dominance and control of the people. The concept of also controls the personal beliefs of the citizens and promotes Totalitarianism by limiting the form of expression. The citizens of Oceania were forced to work long days which limited self expression because they were too tired to do anything else. For example, the citizens had to wake up and do â€Å"physical jerks†and had to work long hours for their government jobsThrough and Thought Police, the Totalitarian system of government in 1984 prevents the people from even thinking against the government and having personal beliefs. Surveillance is placed on the people and they are forced to comply. Early in the novel we see â€Å"it was conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. †(6) In chapter two, Winston can hardly remember his childhood because he was been warped and controlled by Big Brother. For example, in 1984 every household is equipped with a giant television that is constantly playing propaganda. The â€Å"telescreens†also supervise the behaviors and were there to constantly remind the citizens that â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING†. Newspapers and media are censored to keep the government seemingly victorious. During the Cold War, forms of literature were heavily censored by the Soviet Union and by the United States to prevent military information from falling into the wrong hands. During the Cold War, the German Democratic Republic in East Germany tried to force Communism on as many people as possible by completely enclosing the city of West Berlin for more than a quarter century. The Berlin Wall, constructed in 1961, served as a physical barrier and furthermore hindered European‘s freedom of self expression because the people did not have the freedom to do what they wanted. George Orwell saw this was happening and magnified the possibility of an over controlling government and presented this to the extreme in the novel 1984. The ultimate strength of the Totalitarian society is presented at the end of the novel when Winston Smith submits to Big Brother by means of torture in Room 101. (212) The Inner Party did not care about the well being of Winston. All Big Brother wanted was loyal citizens. If a citizen did not follow accordingly; they would be â€Å"vaporized†. We see a change in Winston as a result from the pressing Totalitarian government. Throughout the novel, Winston was against his government. For example, he kept a diary, made love to Julia, and conspired against the government with O’brian. However, at the end he has become â€Å"fixed†to support and love his leader through learning, understanding, and accepting. (232) By the end of the novel, Winston does not even feel anything for Julia. He now understands the smile Big Brother always wears. â€Å"He had finally won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. †(245) The government of Oceania has gone to great lengths to change Winston, and as always, they got a oppressed loyal follower . Orwell wanted to warn society of the effects of an strict overbearing government. According to Orwell, the Totalitarian approach of government will not bow down to any one and will eventually dominate who ever gets in its path. America attempted to stop the spread of Communism through agreements and compromises. For example, the National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68) was a report issued by the United States National Security Council on April 14, 1950. President Truman signed the document to emphasize military over diplomatic action to defend the Western Hemisphere from the Soviets. 1984 was written in 1949 and represented George Orwell’s interpretation of a possible society in the near future. During the 1950’s, the Soviets painted a Communist utopian society where everyone was equal, despite financial status or background. For example, Carl Marx wanted to improve the condition of every member of society without distinction of class. However, Orwell wanted us to realize a society under Communist control was far from a perfect utopia; Orwell referred to it as a dystopia. Successfully, 1984 exposed the lifestyle and tradition of a Totalitarian government. Totalitarian politics will dominate communication, personal beliefs, and national loyalty despite the equal utopia appeal created by the Communists. Works Cited Edgar R. Robert, Neil J. Hackett, George F. Jewsbury, Barbara Molony, and Mathew S. Gordon. Civilizations Past and Present. Vol. 2: from 1300. New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. Print. Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Harcourt Inc, 1950. Print. Seppala, Tuna. â€Å"War, Media, and International System: Propaganda and Censorship in the Image Wars- Constructing and Maintaining the Hierarhical International System†Presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Associations, Hilton Hawaiin Village, Honolulu, Hawaii. 5 March 2005 http://www. allacademic. com/meta/p70248_index. html.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914
Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914 The period 1914 to 1945 was the bloodiest and most destructive in European history. The period was characterized by wars, confrontations, and rivalry among nations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914-1945? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This rivalry led to World War I and World War II. Many people lost their lives during this period as nations rose against each other, property worth millions destroyed, and Europe’s hegemony lost (Heyman 32). The once mighty Europe was divided into two influential spheres. There emerged â€Å"Soviet†and Western spheres of influence, each pursuing different ideologies. The period 1914 to 1945 is the bloodiest in the history of Europe since it is the period in which World War I and World War II occurred. World War II alone claimed approximated 22 million military and 40 million civilians, the highest num ber of casualties ever (Kirk 46). There are many reasons that drove Europe to war and brutal killings. Some of the reasons were misunderstandings among leaders that had lasted for decades, while others were a result of spontaneous reaction to aggression from other nations. Though it is not possible to point a single reason for the aggression witnessed in Europe around 1914 to 1945, the following factors must have contributed greatly to the war. Formation of alliances by the countries played a great role in triggering the bloody war. Tension among European countries had long existed. However, the rise of nationalism and imperialism furthered the tension among states forcing them to seek alliance with states considered friendly for fear of attack. Other countries soon â€Å"joined the race and formed alliances†to further their interests too (Martel 78). Germany first joined Austria-Hungary and were later joined Italy to form the Triple Alliance. Russia soon joined France to wo rk together and protect each other if attacked. The Triple Entente Alliance was finally formed in 1904 when Britain joined France and Russia. With support from alliance members, the countries were definitely craving for war. It was not long when the war begun pitting the Triple Alliance against the Triple Entente Alliance. Frankly, if the alliances never existed, the war could have been avoided. The tension that existed that eventually led to the European wars was also a result of imperialism. Imperialism pushed countries to colonize other countries and to form political empires that acted as overseas states for raw materials and market for finished products. From the 15th century, European countries had begun colonizing other countries for industrial inputs and markets. However, the main contest came in 1870 when Britain, France, Italy and Germany almost clashed in the scramble for North American territory (Heyman 38). The same problem reoccurred in Africa as the scramble for parti tion continued. Many countries were discontent with their possessions while other like British had conquered too much for it to control.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This led to a bad feeling among the nations, which also contributed to the war. Rise of nationalism in the states was another reason for the war. People who spoke the same language, had a common historical origin, and cultural beliefs, viewed each other as family. This â€Å"family†feeling bonded them together and made them support their nation faithfully. Lee states that, â€Å"Leaders, in their bid to unite their people to join war, used nationalism to generate and consolidate their support†(113). Nationalism was particularly popular in Germany, Italy, and Japan. It is worth noting that nationalism in Japan had been widespread as people diligently served their leaders without complaint. Howeve r, the German leader Bismarck, in his attempt to unite the Germans used their passion and love for war to his advantage. The rise of dictators to power in many countries in Europe was also another possible cause of the war. The period of 1914-1945 saw the rise of dictators such as Stalin of Russia, Benito Mussolini of Italy, and Adolf Hitler of Germany. These leaders ruled with iron feast and wanted to assert their authority in the entire European region. This made them recruit many soldiers to help in conquering new lands and extending their territories. Eventually, this greed and desire for fame and control brought them to conflict with other European nations. In 1937, Japan invaded and subdued the republic of China, which angered many European nations. In 1939, German’s aggressive behavior eventually brought all European nations against each other when she attacked Poland and Soviet Russia. Officially, the declaration of World War II followed the two aggressive attacks tha t lead to great destruction of property. Arms race among the nations was also a direct cause of the war that led to the brutal killings in Europe. By 1914, Britain was the largest empire by both size and wealth (Martel 78). The German king of the time, Kaiser William II, was not impressed with Britain’s superiority. He invested heavily in building of warships to rival Britain. This made Britain to build even more ships and to increase her navy to remain superior arms wise. The result was a competition that only increased tension and readiness for war. With such developed weapons, the countries were ready to go to war at the slightest instigation. The attempt to stop the rise of communism by Central and Western European powers also sparked the war. In November 1917, radical Bolsheviks rose to power in Russia. Further, they moved to topple other regimes like Hungary and Bavaria, which they occupied briefly. Seeing the activities of this violent communist group rising and rising , the central and western European countries had to move in to stop them for they feared that the revolutions would move to their countries. The decision was a grave mistake as other militia groups and nations joined the race. The immediate cause of European countries conflict was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by G. Principe. What followed the assassination was retaliation and war that lasted for years. The assassination easily sparked war since the countries had been in tension for some time. The tension among nations was a time bomb waiting to explode.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why did Europe undergo such a bloody and destructive period from 1914-1945? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The arms race provided weapons while the colonies provided capital, seriously fueling the war and increasing the number of casualties. The result was a brutal, ruthless and bloody killing of innocent people. In conclusio n, it is evident that the civil war that engulfed Europe in the period 1914 to 1945 was surely divesting. The war was especially notable for the political rift it created between nations. Thousands of people, both soldiers and civilians, lost their lives. Despite the effort made after 1945 to unite the European nations, the damage done could not be repaired. For centuries, it will still be bitter memories for the descendants of those who perished in the war. Some of the effects of that war still exist especially in Japan where the United States of America dropped bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Heyman, Neil M. World War I. London: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1997. Print. Kirk, D. Europes Population in the Interwar Years. New York: Taylor Francis, 1969. Print. Lee, Stephen J. European dictatorships, 1918-1945. 2nd. London: Routledge, 2000. Print. Martel, Gordon. A Companion to Europe 1900-1945. 10th. Califonia: John Wiley and Sons, 2010. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Ethiopia Unbound by J. E. Casely Hayford Essay Example
Ethiopia Unbound by J. E. Casely Hayford Essay Example Ethiopia Unbound by J. E. Casely Hayford Paper Ethiopia Unbound by J. E. Casely Hayford Paper â€Å"Ethiopia Unbound†is a novel written by J.E. Casely Hayford, a Ghanaian journalist, lawyer, educator and politician. The subject matter of this book is African emancipation. It dwells on debates between Kwamankra, an African studying in London and his English friend, Whitely. The novel explores African history and evolving events of the African community. At the time this novel was written, our African identity was in turmoil due to colonialism and a quest to regain our African identity and emancipation was important to the writer. The writer uses Kwamankra the protagonist to explore his ideals on African emancipation. Caserly Hayford’s arguments raised in the novel on emancipation, nationalism and the African identity is one I totally agree with as he undoubtedly raises ideas to back his claims. For ages, emancipation in Africa had been narrowed solely to the liberation of Africa from European rule. An in-depth research on Africa’s history shows that emancipation constitutes much more than freedom from foreign rule. When African nations such as Ghana fought for independence, they clearly only fought for a release from colonial masters governing the state and its affairs, a need for African rulers, national flags, national anthems etc forgetting the true sense of being a free African which was about connecting to our roots and regaining our African identity. Like Bob Marley put it â€Å" emancipate yourself from mental slavery†, a cause that was forgotten. Many of our cultural values, norms and ethics have been lost since they were seen as outmoded and primitive. Casely’s touch on religion is excellently dealt with as he raises questions in the minds of readers such as myself. Questions of our blind beliefs and faith in religion.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Essays
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Essays The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Paper The Advantages and Disadvantages of Marrying Young Paper Advantages and disadvantages of marrying young Marriage is believed to be one of the most important commitments made in life. It leads to serious changes in social roles and responsibilities, so marrying someone should be a mature and thought-out decision. There are many factors which affect the stability of the union and one of them is considered to be the age of the pair. For instance, young people seem to take marriage too lightly nowadays. Many teenagers get married because they are pregnant or they are eager to start independent life as soon as possible, and that cannot be called a responsible decision. However, early marriages have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, marrying young has some positive sides. Firstly, those who marry young are expected to deal with the problem of generation gap better. The gap will be less significant, making it possible for parents to be on the same wavelength with their children, to share same views and ideals. Secondly, young people have to divide duties, make compromises and settle problems together, therefore it teaches them responsibility and enriches their life experience. Consequently, if a couple’s marriage fails, this experience undoubtedly helps ex-spouses to avoid mistakes of the past and build new, more successful families. Thirdly, a lot of universities offer special grants and scholarships available specifically for students who are married. Many students who are married while attending university qualify as non-traditional students, which opens up opportunities for unique scholarships. On the other hand, marrying young is supposed to have negative effect on the couple’s life. First of all, it prevents young people from completing higher education as they have to take on the responsibilities of family budget. Then, work and career opportunities are limited for the youngsters since their education level is low, so they cannot advance in professional development. Hence young couple is in many cases dependent on spouses’ parents, and often becomes a financial burden they are not supposed to carry. Finally, adolescents are often incapable of running a household because of their limited experience, thus they could be at risk of having everyday quarrels due to their inability to accurately divide chores. All in all, early marriage might prove to be successful as long as it helps people to mature, become contributing members of society and even overcome the problem of generation gap. Nevertheless, rushing into a marriage, which may not last long does not appear the right thing to do, as the lack of education and poor social skills becomes an obstacle for their career and makes the parents of the couple responsible for their well-being. Taking all the positive and the negative sides of marrying young into account, adolescents should think twice about their future before taking such crucial step as legalizing their relations.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Economics Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economics Assessment - Assignment Example Development of national accounts was necessary to provide detailed information that can be used by economists to rate the performance of the economy and to predict future growth. Macroeconomics depicts the interrelationship of various sectors of the economy with significant effect on each other in case of decline or improvement in one sector. Macroeconomics generally shows the connection between national income accounting and gross domestic products with mainly depends on savings and investment for long-term economic growth. Financial markets are what characterize savings and investment that determine growth in gross domestic product and living standards of the people in that particular country (Mankiw 581). National accounts enable a country to lay down strategic plans for her economic progress in the future and on the other hand international development institutions grant loans to developing countries to facilitate their development strategies based on the national accounts of the country. Approaches of Measuring National Income National income is measured through a combination of output, spending and income approximations that have been generated over a given time period. The total value of goods and services produced, total expenditure by individuals and corporations in the economy with a combination of total income generated during production of goods and services during a particular year sums up the total national income. Gross domestic product measures value output produced although three approaches can be used provided the national output equals national expenditure and income. The methods used in calculating gross domestic product include expenditure method that sums up the total spending used on produced goods and services at current market prices. The spending includes exports and imports on goods and services, household, government and capital investments spending. The income methods can also be used by summation of profits of private sector, in come of citizens, and land rent income. In general, it’s the total income earned through production of goods and services in the economy. The income excludes private transfer of money, income not registered by customs and excise authority and transfer payment. Alternatively, gross domestic product may be arrived at through output method using value added concept. The totals are arrived at by adding together the output value produced in each sector of the economy that is considered productive. Valuation applies the use of increase in product value at each successive stage during the process of production and it is referred to as value added approach, which is applied to avoid double counting intermediate goods value (Dwivedi 61). National incomes that Adopt International Standards Countries compile their national accounts using international standards such as SNA and ESA; however, there are difficulties in comparing national income of different countries. Difficulties remain i n comparing national income internationally due to differences in income distribution such as the varying size of black markets, which directly affects the level of income from goods and services. Government spending on defense also varies from one country to another thus posing difficulty in comparing national incomes concerning spending. Countries with significantly varying number of population are incomparable when using the income approach in
Friday, October 18, 2019
Tardiness to Class Interpretations and Recommendations Essay
Tardiness to Class Interpretations and Recommendations - Essay Example Sports, theater, and history all show low levels of tardiness, while gym, math, and science show the highest rates of tardiness. A third trend is between GPA and tardinessâ€â€the two are inversely proportionate. Students between the GPA 3.5-4.0 have the lowest rates of tardiness, while the tardiness rate rises as the GPA gets lower. Based on the data, many students clearly have difficulty attending class on time. The problem of tardiness should not be undermined. William Chandler Bagley explains in the classic education book, Classroom Management: its Principles and Technique, â€Å"the habit of tardiness is worse than occasional absence because it is apt to be carried over into later life and to cause the individual no end of trouble in its eradication†(77). As such, the problem of tardiness demands remedies. While students may currently arrive late to class with few repercussions, such consequences will be more severe as the students enter into adulthood and the workforce. The trend between tardiness and grade levels can be explained as a result of â€Å"senioritis.†Though this term has been used somewhat lightly, schools are beginning to show little tolerance for seniors who show a noticeable disinterest in their studies. USA Today writes in one article, â€Å"this year there may be serious consequencesâ€â€including having college acceptance withdrawnâ€â€for those who don’t finish with a strong academic record†(Mamlet and VanDeVelde 1). The article further recommends parent intervention if they notice signs of increased absence or tardiness. Seniors who believe their academic efforts are pointless in the last semester are more likely to be late to class than juniors, whose academic performance is being judged by universities. The link between tardiness and type of class is likely due to a student’s interest in the course. If a pupil is genuinely interested in the material, they will want to show up on
Comparison of Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha and the Parable of Essay
Comparison of Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha and the Parable of the Lost Son - Essay Example In The Teachings, the father’s wealth was greatly focused upon and stressed as an important part of the story. The father had many jewels about him, and acquired many riches, while his son was laboring in a poor hamlet for low wages.1 The Buddhist account is a tale which truly focuses on how the father was living in lavish luxuryâ€â€while his own son was very poor, as he had left the household in search of adventure and spent much of his own fortune. What is most troubling about the difference between the Buddhist and the Christian accounts is how much the Buddhist teaching focuses on telling the story in such an elaborate fashionâ€â€detailing the every luxury of the father’s house, whereas the Christian account is a rather, how shall one say, ‘unvarnished’ tale. The Biblical account, while very similar in terms of talking about the father’s wealthâ€â€also mentions the fact that, like in the Buddhist account, the son is poor and working a s a hired hand on his own father’s land. ... gs, it says, â€Å"The father [was] struck with compassion [for his son, who was working hard in the field as a day-laborer.†3 In the Biblical account, it says, â€Å"But while he [the son] was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him...†4 This demonstration of compassion is something that everyone can relate to, as a parent’s compassion for a child is something that is unbelievably generous and tender. This is related well in both accounts of the actual story’s own retelling. IV. The Father Sought Communication With His Son It is natural for any parent to want to have communication with his or her child. This father, in both accounts, was so desperate to have his son back home that not only did he go out of his way to be close to his sonâ€â€but, that, in the Biblical account, the father slaughters the fatted calf in order to celebrate his homecoming. In The Teachings, The father dressed himself in rough cloth and put dust on himself just to go about into the field where his son was working.5 He just wanted to be near him. It was like a father painfully watching his son be homeless and volunteering at a homeless shelter just to have interaction with him. Similarly, in the Biblical account, the father goes to his sonâ€â€but in this case the father has physical contact and gets to hug his own son. â€Å"[The father] ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.†6 There is something powerful about the relationship of the father and son that is evidenced through both of these very insightful, endearing readings. V. Conclusion Of course, no love can match that of a parent’s love for his or her childâ€â€except possibly that of a lover for his or her partner. However, what is amazing is that both of these accounts of the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Should Companies Subscribe to Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment
Should Companies Subscribe to Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example Elementary interpretation of the phrase ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ calls for an investigation into the ‘supposed’ relationship between business and society. The hypothesis that there is a tangible link between business and society is the basis for the whole issue of Corporate Social Responsibility. One comes to the conclusion that the hypothesis is not true, when business, as all business, is considered. For instance, take the example of a logistics service, of any type for that matter. For example, in the case of a grocery supplier that charges farmers for transporting vegetables to the local market, there is little relation if any between business and the society at large. At least no responsibility in this case seems to arise directly from a business of this kind. According to Carroll & Buchholtz (2001), â€Å"when we speak of business and society relationships, we usually refer to particular segments or subgroups of society or to business and som e system in our society†. Why this consideration is important is because it rules out the possibility of applying any holistic theories of corporate morality and conduct to business – meaning all business. Conventional Social Responsibility Anyhow, there are businesses that can be considered to be linked to society. However a non-living body cannot be expected to ‘act responsibly’. Social responsibility is a doubtlessly well-understood term in educated communities. The description and limitations of the phrase are cemented concepts. One definition of social responsibility states that being socially responsible means â€Å"acting with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged†(Entrepreneur Magazine). Understandably a human can use his... Regardless of the current conditions of Corporate Social structures around the world, Corporate Social Responsibility is an issue that ought to be advocated. By most contemporary definitions, CSR is the â€Å"duty of every corporate body to protect the interest of the society at large†. It is not only a responsibility of corporations to keep a check on the potential environmental damage they might be doing but after the recent boom in communication systems it is becoming an ever larger necessity for organizations as people learn to care more about the world and its inhabitants. A simple rule to follow for publicly owned companies is to obey the principles of what Geoffrey P. Lantos calls ‘Ethical’ and ‘Strategic’ Corporate Social Responsibility and leave out those of ‘Altruistic’ CSR. This classification of CSR by Lantos is derived from the theories of ethics of duty (non-consequential). It is easy to see that the only condition in which CSR adherence is to be avoided is when it curtails the rights of the shareholders. As the human race moves towards greater organizational transparency in general and ever greater public access to information, indicators of greater influence of morality on the profitability of corporations are getting ever profounder. â€Æ'
Online marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Online marketing - Essay Example rk of the editor is to integrate advertisements into its online content while the sponsor ensures that the advertisements displays on the publishers content. Potential agencies help in generating and placing an ad copy. Nowadays, online marketing has become a large business and were growing rapidly because it is widely used across virtually all industry sectors. The script will look at various techniques that online marketing employs to enhance the faster growth as compared to offline marketing. Online marketing has enhanced its fast growth through various ways. One of the methods it has employed to enhance its dynamic growth is through display advertising. Display advertising conveys its advertising message virtually using text, logos, animation, videos, photographs and other graphics. Online advertisers frequently target users with particular traits to increase their advertisements effect. They use cookies, which are unique identifiers of specific computers to decide which advert to serve to an individual customer. Through the help of, the cookies, the online advertisers are also able to track whether a user left the page without buying anything. It helps the online merchants to retarget the user later with an advertisement from the site the user visited. This Ensures that most customers can see the ads of the products as well as services they need and how to get them. Thus, purchasing them leading to income in that particular industry. Also, consumers who are not satisfi ed by the advertisements, find a form to fill what they think the advert does not achieve and how it can make. The online advertisers look at the same to ensure they satisfy the consumer’s tastes. As the online merchants collect data across multiple external websites about the users the user’s online activity, they can identify the user’s desires to deliver more targeted advertising. The advertisers can also target their audience by using a contextual advertising to provide displays
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Should Companies Subscribe to Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment
Should Companies Subscribe to Codes of Corporate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example Elementary interpretation of the phrase ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ calls for an investigation into the ‘supposed’ relationship between business and society. The hypothesis that there is a tangible link between business and society is the basis for the whole issue of Corporate Social Responsibility. One comes to the conclusion that the hypothesis is not true, when business, as all business, is considered. For instance, take the example of a logistics service, of any type for that matter. For example, in the case of a grocery supplier that charges farmers for transporting vegetables to the local market, there is little relation if any between business and the society at large. At least no responsibility in this case seems to arise directly from a business of this kind. According to Carroll & Buchholtz (2001), â€Å"when we speak of business and society relationships, we usually refer to particular segments or subgroups of society or to business and som e system in our society†. Why this consideration is important is because it rules out the possibility of applying any holistic theories of corporate morality and conduct to business – meaning all business. Conventional Social Responsibility Anyhow, there are businesses that can be considered to be linked to society. However a non-living body cannot be expected to ‘act responsibly’. Social responsibility is a doubtlessly well-understood term in educated communities. The description and limitations of the phrase are cemented concepts. One definition of social responsibility states that being socially responsible means â€Å"acting with concern and sensitivity, aware of the impact of your actions on others, particularly the disadvantaged†(Entrepreneur Magazine). Understandably a human can use his... Regardless of the current conditions of Corporate Social structures around the world, Corporate Social Responsibility is an issue that ought to be advocated. By most contemporary definitions, CSR is the â€Å"duty of every corporate body to protect the interest of the society at large†. It is not only a responsibility of corporations to keep a check on the potential environmental damage they might be doing but after the recent boom in communication systems it is becoming an ever larger necessity for organizations as people learn to care more about the world and its inhabitants. A simple rule to follow for publicly owned companies is to obey the principles of what Geoffrey P. Lantos calls ‘Ethical’ and ‘Strategic’ Corporate Social Responsibility and leave out those of ‘Altruistic’ CSR. This classification of CSR by Lantos is derived from the theories of ethics of duty (non-consequential). It is easy to see that the only condition in which CSR adherence is to be avoided is when it curtails the rights of the shareholders. As the human race moves towards greater organizational transparency in general and ever greater public access to information, indicators of greater influence of morality on the profitability of corporations are getting ever profounder. â€Æ'
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Effects on Businesses as it relates to employee's smoking habits Research Paper
Effects on Businesses as it relates to employee's smoking habits - Research Paper Example This has created a concern for the human resource department. The premiums of the health insurance are seen to rise and now the companies are looking towards shifting this cost towards the employees. Some of the organizations are charging surcharges, while some others have decided not to recruit smoker at the first. This has created hue and cry among the experts and they demand stricter action from the side of the government. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Affect of smoking 4 Discussion 6 Results 9 Recommendations 13 Reference 14 Introduction In recent times the smoking habit of the employees has become a major concern for the employers of United States. It has been seen that when the employees make a positive move towards the lifestyle by leaving their smoking habit both the society and employers benefits at large. Though there is clear evidence of harmful effect of cigarette smoking on the health of the employees; yet there is much debate regarding the matter. Research has also e stablished that there is a reciprocal relationship between smoking and financial stress and social disadvantage. Several researches have also highlighted on the link between various form of social deprivation and high smoking rates (Stobbe, 2013). Rising number of research also focuses on the relationship that intensification and reinforcement of material hardship and financial stress is caused by smoking. ... Affect of smoking Health Hazards The use of tobacco is not only a chief cause of death from non-communicable diseases such as respiratory disease, cancer and heart disease but also from communicable diseases like tuberculosis, which exaggerates and activates the use of tobacco. The use of tobacco causes 600,000 deaths all over the globe and reduces the life expectancy of an individual by 20 to 25 years. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) smoking causes a rise in the risk of infertility, abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive lung diseases, lung cancer, stroke and coronary heart disease. Smoking affects almost every organ in the human body (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). This association can be adjusted through environmental and other exposures and the effect can be moderated via early detection and screening. However the affect of smoking generally increase with age and the burden of chronic and no n-communicable diseases increases (African Union, n.d.). Cost for Employers In 2000 smoking was one of the primary factors that caused death. Apart from mortality the economic burden caused by death is also of significant amount. As per the estimation of Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every year the cost of estimation increases by $167 billion in United States. This estimation includes both $92 billion, the cost of loss of productivity resulting from the loss of productive life on the event of premature death and $75 billion resulting from the indirect healthcare cost (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.; NBC News, 2005). There are some addition costs that are bear by the employer of the smokers like effect of second hand
Glass Ceiling Essay Example for Free
Glass Ceiling Essay Glass ceiling is a term that describes the artificial plateau, beyond which women and other minorities are denied the opportunity to advance to upper levels of executive management in corporate America. It has become a routine practice to deny thousands of qualified women the top level jobs, merited by their performance. Glass ceiling is an explanation, which describes the factors involved in the activities of upper levels of executive management in corporate America. (Cordtz, 2003) The women group and the other minorities are stopped to succeed in their respective fields. Although the minorities as well as women are much qualified, and deserve the upper level positions in the management. The observations on this research topic describes that it is a routine practice of the management that they deny thousands of qualified women to come up and prove their talents. The qualified women’s are desirable to work and show their capabilities to the world. But they are not allowed to do so. The minority groups and women also deserve their respective positions on their merit but they are denied to prove their capabilities. The glass ceiling is also known as the brick wall because the women and the minority groups complain about the ineffective behavior of the higher level of management. These workingwomen Order#31415899 Pg. 2 and the minority groups are really fed up of this discrimination. They want a proper platform where the decisions should be made on the basis of equality. â€Å"Department of Labor studies have found that women hold only a small percentage of senior management positions in Fortune 500 companies. The glass ceiling barriers toward women are nothing but an insidious form of sex discrimination, in violation of law. †The studies based on the topic of Glass Ceiling describes that women are deprived of their rights and are not allowed to reach higher level of management. There is a barrier, which stops this effective group of workers to rise. Women are really competitive and they have many in born talents to prove and explore. This group can prove themselves in any field but they are not allowed to make themselves competitive, instead they are degraded and discouraged. (Cordtz, 2003) Glass ceiling is considered as the level beyond which qualified women and minority groups are not allowed to rise in a particular woprkplace. The glass ceiling consists of those factors, which form this barrier for the competitive women. Glass ceiling comprises of day-to day practices, dealings, attitudes, behavior and internal systems that adds to the career disadvantage of women. These factors are considered to be Order#31415899 Pg. 3 hindrances in the path of success and progress of the group of women. There are many other reasons which are included in the artificial barrier, which are â€Å"Overall, women work fewer hours than men; have less job experience and work fewer years; and avoid work in risky or unpleasant jobs which tend to be more highly compensated. Also, marriage and children tend to depress earnings for women when compared to men or single females†The factors, which are included in the glass ceiling, are that these women workers are not allowed to work for many hours because they also have the responsibility of their home. Moreover women are not so experienced and advanced as compared to men. If the situation will be considered by the society’s point of view than it will be noted that structure and the capabilities of the women are limited and their implication can be made in certain specific circumstances. A woman acts as a mother and a wife . In order to fulfill the requirements of a mother and a wife she gets confused and is not able to concentrate on the work efficiently. Women have a wide share of responsibility and they cannot devote themselves entirely to one task. (Zachariasiewicz, 2001) Order#31415899 Pg. 4 Studies show that glass ceiling act as a barrier for the progress and success of the women also includes the factor that the women do not know the art to control corporate activities . In fact they are not able to understand the complexed activities of the corporate . As it can be said that â€Å". Corporate life is a game, which is not always fair: for men or women. Being able to take risks without making waves, being a team player who can operate independently when necessary and participating in after-hours activities may not set well with some women, but for the present, the reality of the situation needs to be acknowledged if it is ever to change†. (Zachariasiewicz, 2001) My own experiences have taught me that corporate life is not an easy task to deal with . The activities of corporate involves many factors and these factors are divided into groups and subgroups . It is not always fair for both men and women. There are certain standards, which have to be fulfilled in order to run a smooth corporate life . If these standards would not be fulfilled than it might prove dangerous for the future of the company. There should be an ability to take risks without uttering a single word of complaint. Then the corporate life also includes the factor that the workers and the higher level of management should be independent enough to deal with ups and Order#31415899 downs of the businesses. Sometimes the corporate life also demands to devote more time and energy. But this is not possible for women workers. A corporation is like a pyramid, the chairman of the board and president are at the top levels of corporate pyramid. After going one stage lower it will be found that Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Mangers, Directors, Supervisors are present in the lower levels of corporation pyramid. And there is an imaginary line present in the corporate pyramid and this imaginary line is considered to be glass ceiling. (Zachariasiewicz, 200 -Works Cited- Cordtz, Dan (2003). The glass ceiling. FW, Vol. 163 Issue 17, p64 Zachariasiewicz, Robert (2001). Breaking the glass ceiling. Credit World, Vol. 81 Issue 5, p21 Glass Ceiling-Wikipedia-Free Encyclopedia. Break the Glass Ceiling Foundation/Equal Opportunities for women. WWW. breaktheglassfoundation. com Woman in Buisness/The conundrum of the glass ceiling/Economist. com WWW. economist. com/displaystory. Women at Work-The Glass Ceiling: iVillage www. ivillage. co. uk/workcareer/workrights/discrim/articls. html The Glass Ceiling-www. diversitydtg. com/articles/glass. html The Glass Ceiling by Re’ne Redwood- Human Civil Rights www. inmotionmagazine. com/glass. html
Monday, October 14, 2019
Development of Tourism in Thailand
Development of Tourism in Thailand With reference to relevant academic and trade sources, explain the provision of your topic within your chosen destination and suggest how it may develop in the future. Introduction Volunteer tourism is when travellers visit any countries to do voluntary work in order to help the communities. The voluntary workers mainly target young children and elderly people. Volunteer work can be done by any individuals and in any countries. According to (GVI, 2014) volunteer work can be done by individuals who are 18 and over and are currently on a gap, seeking for work experience etc. (GVI, 2014) stated that in Thailand are looking for many volunteer workers around the globe and they are offering many volunteer works such as Teaching, Health Care, Child Care etc. By attending a volunteer work in teaching in Thailand for example, the individual are able to help the children with education and also provide them with good education. According to (TEFL, 2014) the volunteer workers will also have benefits such as they will gain confidence, meet new people, learn a new language, gain new skills, experience and many more. Volunteer tourism gives people the opportunity to travel t o travel countries and change people’s lives who are struggling to make something out of their living. This will also give the volunteer workers satisfaction since they gain experience that benefits them in the future. How many people visit Thailand each year? (Go Overseas, 2014) has stated that Thailand has become of the Top Ten most visited country on earth. This is due to the fact that Thailand is such a beautiful country to visit and the tourists are able to experience this from volunteer work as well a mutual visit to Thailand. According to (Katka Lapelosova, 2014) Thailand is a good country to spend voluntary work in since the place has beautiful scenery where the voluntary workers are able to enjoy from. Depending on the voluntary work the workers will have their own accommodation and they will cost at a low fare or sometimes nothing at all. (Go Overseas, 2014) has also stated in 2013 26.5 million people have visited Thailand which makes Thailand a popular place to visit. This is also due to a very low cost of living where the volunteer workers do not have to spend a lot of money for their accommodation. In Thailand volunteer project with the children is the most popular programme since the workers and the children tend to be satisfied with this programme. (Go Overseas, 2014) also argued that English teachers make an encouraging influence to the children. (Open Mind Project, 2014) has stated that over 70 volunteer workers visit Thailand per year to carry out a volunteer programme. Since many volunteer workers visiting Thailand it will make Thailand better and satisfied place to visit. According to (Polly Dean, 2015) people visit Thailand to experience what their culture is like and their culture is easily adaptable by any individual. (Polly Dean, 2015) also stated that living cost is very cheap which means accommodation is not a problem and Thai food is something that everyone enjoys. Every year more people visit Thailand in respect to volunteer tourism or just a mutual visit to the country. How much is it worth to the Economy (Mack Alvin, 2013) argued that Volunteer Tourism is a new trend where people tend to enjoy their time being at the chosen destination and their chosen programme. For example, in Thailand there are few programmes available that can be chosen by the travellers. Volunteer tourism can bring the volunteers enjoyment such as they are able to go around the city where they are spending their time in. It will also give the volunteer workers to learn Thailand’s culture and the great surroundings such as the mystic Temple, Rainforest etc. The volunteer work often run among 2-3 weeks five days being the volunteer work and weekends will be the days where the volunteer workers are able to investigate the place. The volunteer work has a great impact in the economy since the price of taking part in volunteer work is really cheap or sometimes free depending on the service. Mean time while doing volunteer work over the period of 2-3 weeks the volunteer workers can also visit around the place. It is a holiday for fewer prices and the individual is also able to gain new skills and experience. (Friends For Asia, 2015) also specified that for example, carrying out English Education Volunteer programme in Bangkok and Chiang Mai will save the volunteer workers money on travelling expenses and accommodation. As this will get more and more popular in the future people will prefer this as a choice since it will help the people gain experience and visit the destination at the same time it is like â€Å"Holiday with Benefits†. It will cause an impact to the travel agents and travel companies as people in the future may choose to go this way and this will could convince the travel agents and online travel website to reduce their prices for holiday destinations. Why can this be important and interesting? There are many things the volunteer workers are able to benefit from. In Thailand English Education programme is most popular where more of the people are applying for this particular programme. The volunteers are can get to know the background of the children and realise how these children are struggling for living, food and education as this will be a life changing experience for the volunteering individual. According (Nancy McGehee, 2010) volunteer work overall is a life changing experience where the workers are able to meet new people and children who are less fortunate in terms of food and education. According to (Tomazos and Buttler, 2009) the number of volunteer tourism projects increased dramatically in the Top-Ten countries. In the year 2003 there were 223 volunteer projects and in 2007 the amount of available projects increased significantly to 1,741. The reason for the increase is due to more and more people are willing to participate in these projects as their as showing a real interest in volunteer tourism. (Tomazos and Buttler, 2009) has argued that due to the importance and interest shown by the people who are willing to take part in volunteer tourism there is now 146 volunteer tourism organisations around the world and they distribute thousands of volunteer tourists every year. Volunteer tourism is a very interesting way of getting to know other people, tradition, societies and culture. Volunteer tourism provides tourists with a life changing opportunities to work with people who are different to their tradition and cultures. According to (Jenny Morgan, 2010) It is an inspirational opportunity which will change the volunteer workers mind in a positive way and it will help them be more social aware and increase their understanding of the cultures. Being able to participate in the volunteer tourism project will change the person who we are right now and will ensure that we can adapt in any situations in the future of our life. Developing the destination further There are many destinations in Thailand that are offering many volunteer projects. In Chiang Mai there are many volunteer projects such as English teacher, volunteering with Elephants, Wildlife and Community Expedition. However, according to (GVI, 2014) the best place to do volunteering in Thailand is Phang Nga. In Phang Nga there are many volunteer projects where volunteers are able to take. The projects which are available in Phang Nga according to (GVI, 2014) are Thailand Coastal Marine Expedition, Healthcare, Community Development Expedition, Learn Thai and many more. Phang Nga is not only well know due to the reason that there are many volunteer projects which are interesting, the reason being that Phang Nga is a tourist attracting province. Phang Nga is situated in south of Thailand and this where the real beauty of Thailand starts. Volunteer Tourist have benefits when choosing to do volunteer projects in Phang Nga as the volunteers are able to get experience from their volunteer projects and they get to visit the attraction in Phang Nga such as Mountains, stunning scenery and national parks. According to (UNWTO, 2014) few crucial parts of Phang Nga was destroyed by Tsunami in 2004. In 2004 Phang Nga was yet the leading province to visit in Thailand. As Tsunami destroyed some areas in Phang Nga the community was left devastated. (UNWTO, 2014) stated when Tsunami destroyed the areas in Phang Nga, Thailand faced loss and they had to build the areas that has been destroyed from scratch. According to (UNWTO, 2014) it took them 2 years to build the crucial parts of the areas and they received funding from European countries and their government. In 2006 Phang Nga becoming developed and it became even better than it was before. Volunteer Tourist visit Phang Nag every year to experience the beauty of Thailand and gain experience and provide support to the Phang Nga community. Growth of Volunteer Tourism (Douglas McGray, 2009) has argued that people who are sitting around at home and not making use of their time such as an individual without a job. However people like that have an opportunity to change and turn around their life and this is by applying to a volunteer tourism project around the globe. The growth of Volunteer Tourism increased due to individual who are free are not willing to waste their time and use their time to help others who are less fortunate and gain some vital experiences themselves. (Natasha Stein, 2015) has argued that market value for volunteer tourism is  £1.3 billion. Since there is a demand for volunteer tourism there are organisations that offer a short term volunteer work. Organisations who offer volunteer projects make good profit. (Natasha Stein, 2015) also stated that people tend to take these projects a holiday. From a survey that has been carried out by (Natasha Stein, 2015) gathered that 300 organisations have offered Volunteer Tourism to 1.6million volunteer tourists. The organisations have great benefit over this type of tourism since now days many people prefer this type of tourism and when more people are interested in Volunteer Tourism means more customers for the organisations which means more profit. (Ritwik Deo, 2013) stated that gap year has increased from the past few years and this is due to students are willing to take part in volunteer tourism so that they are able to explore the place there are going to volunteer for and gain experience which will help them in the future. This shows that Volunteer Tourism has increased in the past years and there is demand for this type of tourism since people are willing to take part and learn something new as well as helping the less fortunate. In the future the demand for this type of tourism will still rise according to the amount of peop le interested in taking part. Conclusion Overall, Volunteer Tourism is a great opportunity to gain vital skills and gain experience. However there are downfalls according to (Natasha Stein, 2015) such as volunteers not meeting or having the necessary skills required, replacing unpaid workers and not showing interest at all. ( Natasha Stein, 2015) argued that few volunteer workers come in on their first they and they do not like the environment or the project and they do not turn up the next day. This will cause frustration since instead of the not interested volunteer workers they could have been replace by someone who enjoy the project and has potentials. However, besides the negatives Volunteer Tourism is beneficial with different varieties of projects that best suits the individual. Volunteer Tourism is very demanding since people are choosing this type of tourism over others. According to (Franziska, 2010) Volunteer Tourism is a valuable perception as this offers many opportunities to individuals. As the numbers of inte rested Volunteering Tourists are growing so are the organisations, the concept of Volunteer Tourism is ‘Gaining Little but Giving A Lot’. Volunteer Tourism is something that benefits everyone therefore Volunteer Tourism will keep growing in the future. References:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
samy sosa :: essays research papers
     The person I am writing about is Sammy Sosa. As you may know, Sammy Sosa was one of the contenders in the home run race against Mark McGwire. McGwire won with 70 home runs while Sammy Sosa lost with 66 home runs. Even though Sammy Sosa lost he is still a very skilled player. In my report, I will describe Sammy’s life and career. I hope you enjoy it.      Samuel Peralta Montero (Sammy’s birth name) was born in the county side of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on Nov. 12 1968. You may be wondering why Sammy’s last name was Montero. Sammy’s father died when Sammy was only 6. The family had a lot of money when his father around. Unfortunately, one day his father got really sick, and started having bad migraines. They took him to the doctor, and the doctor said, â€Å"take him to the hospital in Santo Domingo†, but Sammy’s father refused to go. A few days later he had a another attack, and one of his fellow workers took him to the hospital. He was doing better after his family took him to the hospital, but the doctor told them that he would die in a couple of days. His family took him home so he could die in his own home. After he died Sammy†s last name was changed to Sosa. That was his mother’s maiden name. Sammy’s family changed drastically after his Father’s death. They didn’t have any money to buy food or clothes. So Sammy and his older brothers started to shine shoes, wash cars and beg for money. They didn’t get much business so the moved to Santo Domingo.      In a couple of years Sammy’s mother remarried to a man named Carlos Maria Peralta.Even after his mother got married they still continued to be poor. Sammy’s mother thought that Santo Domingo was to busy and had to many bad influences for the kids, so they moved to a town called San Pedro de Macoris. San Pedro wasn’t as busy as Santo Domingo, but it was busier than the county. It was Kind of in the middle of San Pedro and Santo Domingo. Sammy and his older brothers started to shine shoes again. There was one man that kept coming back again and again. His name was Bill Chase. Bill owned a show company in San Pedro. Bill saw how smart and persistent Sammy and his brothers
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Southwest Airlines :: essays research papers
Southwest Airlines 1.)     Many changes have occurred and are occurring in the airline industry, which pose a potential threat to Southwest Airlines. The airline industry has traditionally had many airlines receive annual loses on their income statements. This trend is still continuing today as many airlines stand in financial trouble. Some of these financial troubles arise from changes brought upon them from the ever-changing governmental regulations. The most recent change in governmental regulations that will have the largest effect on Southwest Airlines is the change in the federal ticket tax in 1997 on flight routes that are one thousand plus miles. This new tax system replaces a percentage tax with a tax that includes a flat segment fee that will cause conflict with the low-fare carriers. This is causing Southwest to make some changes in their strategy, which will cause them to lose some of their cost advantage. Their largest cost advantage over their current rivals is in the fligh ts, which are five hundred miles (59% cost advantage). Their cost advantage is much smaller for the larger flights, which are one thousand five hundred miles (35% cost advantage). This already has caused Southwest to change their strategy by making their nonstop flights longer with over 16% of their flights longer than one thousand miles.      Another threat that Southwest Airlines is facing is the mimicry by other airlines. Other airlines are copying Southwest’s strategy in order to enter the low-fare, short-haul market. Delta Airlines has built a low-fare regional carrier service and has acquired a minority stake in three regional airlines. United Airlines is also making a serious entry into the same market. United is doing this with United Express, which will feed passengers from regional carriers into the United system, and United Shuttle, which provides over 450 short-haul flights in the western states.      The opportunity for expansion is limitless for Southwest Airlines.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Essay
Psychology can be described as examination of ideas, intuitive feeling, and the way someone thinks and uses his or her wits be it physical, mental, or cognitive. Abnormal psychology is ideas or conduct causing the individual troubles. The deficiency may be sadness, potential fight, or simply uncomfortableness in the individuals daily life. Mental disorders or mental disease are practices not in general associated with a person. A number of these disorders can harm others or the one who is battling with the disorder. There are a number of therapies for these disorders and are different in each case. A closer look and contrast of normal and abnormal psychology is need along with mental disturbance and mental disease from a psychology position polishing off by way of a look at different therapies useful for normal and abnormal psychology. Abnormal and Normal Psychology are likewise, also the two look into behaviors, and because of individuals different cultures and beliefs some behaviors are normal. Then again oftentimes they could be different for the behavior is not really typical or something out the ordinary. To know the difference between normal and abnormal psychology helps with acknowledging mental disturbance from a psychological perspective. To help illustrate our research on abnormal psychology, this section will compare and contrast normal and abnormal psychology. Normal psychology focuses on the different ways different people see life and want to live life, rather than relying on generalizations made about whole populations of people. See more: Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay These generalizations can often do harm because without proper consideration they can often imply norm of behavior inimical to a person’s existence. A normal psychology in this way doesn’t imply a perfect individual existence, nor that there aren’t any pathologies. Abnormal-is the branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought, which may or may not be understood as precipitating a mental disorder. The field of abnormal psychology identifies multiple causes for different conditions, employing diverse theories from the general field of psychology and elsewhere, and much still hinges on what exactly is meant by â€Å"abnormal†. Mental disorders and mental illnesses This next section will examine mental disorders and mental illnesses from the perspective of psychology. Adjustment disorders of mental disorders is related to an identifiable source of stress that causes significant emotional and behavioral symptoms. Anxiety disorders are those that are characterized by excessive and abnormal fear, worry and anxiety. In one recent survey published in the Archives of General Psychology 1, it was estimated that as many as 18% of American adults suffer from at least one anxiety disorder. Cognitive disorders are psychological disorders that involve cognitive abilities such as memory, problem solving and perception. Some anxiety disorders, mood disorders and psychotic disorders are classified as cognitive disorders. Alzheimer’s disease †¢Delirium †¢Dementia †¢Amnesia Therapies Psychotherapy is a general term that is used to describe the process of treating psychological disorders and mental distress. During this process, a trained psychotherapist helps the client tackle a specific or general problem such as a particular mental illness or a source of life stress. Depending on the approach used by the therapist, a wide range of techniques and strategies can be used. However, almost all types of psychotherapy involve developing a therapeutic relationship, communicating and creating a dialogue and working to overcome problematic thoughts or behaviors. †¢Psychoanalytic: An approach to therapy that involved delving into a patient thoughts and past experiences to seek out unconscious desires or fantasies. Cognitive-behavioral: A type of psychotherapy that involves cognitive and behavioral techniques to change negative thoughts and maladaptive behaviors. Humanistic: A form of therapy that focuses on helping people maximize their potential. Medical therapy for mental disturbance and sicknesses change between each philosophical system. The earlier style of psychotherapy were the psychodynamic therapies. Psychodynamic therapy tries to change personality practices through perceptiveness and the therapist-patient relationship (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). Inside this subdivision of therapy dwell the proficiencies of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy. These particular therapies ask the patient to lie on a sofa or sit opposite with a therapist and talk about what one thinks of, a technique known as free association. The two most adept humanistic therapies are Gestalt therapy and the client centered therapy. Gestalt therapy is somewhat like psychodynamic psychotherapy. The most commonly known technique of the therapy is the empty chair technique. Through this method the patient exercises emotional expression by visualizing that the individual him or her wants to converse with is in the chair. The second humanistic therapy is the client centered therapy. Through this technique the therapist exhibits an position of full credence for the patient by listening emphatically. Therapeutic change occurs as the patient hears his or her own thoughts or feelings reflected by the nonjudgmental listener. Conclusion There are a number of therapies for these disorders and are different in each case. Abnormal and Normal Psychology are likewise, also the two look into behaviors, and because of individuals different cultures and beliefs, some behaviors are normal. Lastly, normal and abnormal look into behavior, this behavior may be causing the individual troubles, confrontation, or simply uncomfortableness in daily life. Mental disorders including schizophrenia and Obsessive compulsive disorder can harm others or the individual battling with them. Mental illnesses comprise of perturbations of mentation, experience, and emotion cause operative disability making it very hard to nurture relationships, keep a job, and can lead to suicide. Treatment will change with regards to the form of disorder a individual has and the individuals commitment to look for assistance with a therapist. References Kowalski, R., & Westen, D. (2009). Psychology (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Nami ( National Alliance on Mental Illnesses, retrieved December 01, 2012. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, retrieved December 01, 2012. Retrieved December 02, 2012 Wood, S. E., & Wood, E. R. The World of Psychology. Boston, MA: A Pearson Education Company. Page 538 Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Essay Teresa Neal Abnormal Psychology and Therapy Paper In a world where nothing seems to be considered normal anymore, psychology tries to draw the line between what it is and what is not. The different schools of thought have their own perspective on the definition, origin, and treatment of abnormal behavior and this paper will cover a few, trying to make it possible to have a clear difference between normal and abnormal psychology. Normal and Abnormal Psychology Specifically defining behavior as normal or abnormal is a contentious issue in abnormal psychology. To try to distinguish between normal psychology and abnormal psychology, psychologists use three criteria; whatever is infrequent, maladaptive, and deviant from the cultural norm, falls under the category of abnormal behavior (Spoor, 1999). Mental health, also known as normal psychology, and mental illnesses and disorders, also known as abnormal psychology, have been defined in many ways, but should always be viewed in the context of ethnocultural factors and influence because what is considered normal in some environments may be considered abnormal in others. A person with a normal behavior and mental processes has the ability to adapt and cope with adversity, has a correct perception of reality, accepts self, avoids harm, and experiences continual psychological growth and development (Kowalski & Westen, 2009). Abnormal psychology, on the other hand, is characterized by unusual patterns that some people might show in their behavior, thought process, and expression of emotion, patterns that are associated with distress or disability and can cause harm and an unreasonable response to a particular situation. Mental Disorders Daily functions such as the ability to think, read, remember, plan, and understand rely on an individuals cognitive skills (Medalia & Revheim, 2002). Cognitive disorders are disorders of thinking or memory that signify an evident change from the personal former level of functioning. In certain situations the exact origin of the disorder can be identified, other cases the cause is unclear. Even though these disorders are biologically founded, the environment and psychological factors play significant roles in shaping the effect and extent of disabling symptoms in addition to the personal capacity to deal with them. (Nevid, et a. 2008). The most common cognitive disorders are amnestic, delirium, and dementia disorders. Amnestic disorders are a cognitive impairment relating a failure to develop new memories and the failure to remember old memories. Delirium is a severe, and reversible state of mental disorder, which involves confusion, and the lack of ability to focus on information or the surrounding environment. Individuals that suffer from delirium may suffer frightening hallucinations, particularly visual hallucinations. The loss of memory and understanding usually associated with behavior and personality changes describes dementia disorders. Different forms of dementia exist, depending on the cause; therefore; some types of dementia may be reversed with treatment. For example; those cases that are caused by brain tumors. Dementia caused by the disease Alzheimer’s cannot be reversed (Nevid, et al. 2008). On a personal note; these patients are difficult, they have to watch be continually as they can do harm to themselves and others. Mental Illnesses Although diagnoses of ADHD are based on behavioral symptoms of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity, evidence suggests that children with ADHD also show important cognitive weaknesses in areas that are necessary to daily functioning at home work and school. Particularly research studies indicate that children with ADHD often have problems in; Executive functions (for example, planning a project, keeping attentive to a task, ignoring irrelevant information) Working memory (which is often considered an executive function) speed of information processing (children with ADHD process information more slowly than their peers) Many of these cognitive processes are often interrelated. For example problems in working memory can negatively affect other executive functions, or slow processing speed may lower an individual’s ability to recall and organize information. ttp://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/15499890 From the cognitive perspective, theorists suggest that a person diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorders suffer from impaired information-processing. The impairment is present in defined categories and boundaries that are maladaptive and result in an over-structuring of input but there is no evidence to show that this is the c ause, rather than a consequence of OCD symptoms. Another cognitive theory suggests that OCD â€Å"fear structures†are especially various and a large number of stimuli can become associated with threat or danger. Passive avoidance of such a large number of stimulus associations can be extremely difficult and compulsions become necessary for the individual to feel safe. Although cognitive theories do provide insight into the outward aspect of OCD, they fail to clearly define how and why OCD and this cognitive impairment can arise. Similarities between the Schools of Thought There are quite a few similarities between the different schools of thought in treating mental disorders. All but the Psychodynamic therapies are short term usually lasting a year or less and most all therapies have the client or patient facing the therapist and are conversational. All therapies also look to help the client or patient change behaviors or thought patterns that are causing problems of one kind or another. Cognitive-Behavioral therapies help patients with behavior and cognitive problems. The therapist helps the patient focus on the problematic behavior and helps him or her find ways in which to address these behaviors and learn skills to change them. These therapies use a variety of techniques to help patients with phobias, social skills, accomplishing goals, anxiety disorders, and the like. Psychodynamic therapies both examine the patient’s thought patterns to get to the bottom of the undesired behavior or emotional responses. Humanistic therapies including Gestalt and Client-Centered therapies focus on the patient’s feelings and to experience themselves as they really are. Family, Marital, and Group therapies use group communication either one- on-one or in a group to help with problematic relationships and behaviors. Self-help groups are another type of group therapy that aims to help people either cope with undesired behavior, loss of a loved one, addictions, and disease. [ (Kowalski, 2009) ]The common thread here with most therapies, the approach is a warm relationship with the therapist who shows empathy for the patient or client and giving him or her hope or efficacy in coping with their problem[ (Kowalski, 2009) ] Differences between the Schools of Thought While each school of thought has common factors in treatment methods, each school has developed different ways of addressing psychological problem. For instance, Psychodynamic therapies rely on two principles: the role of insight and the role of the therapist-patient relationship (Kowalski & Western, 2009). It is believed that in order for therapeutic change to occur, a person must understand his or her own psychological processes. When in therapy it is one on one; the patient is either face to face with the therapist or lying on a couch with the therapist sitting behind them. Psychodynamic therapy emphasizes the notion that the patients problems stemmed from childhood. These problems follow the child into adulthood causing a conflict within new relationships. This transfer of emotion from past experiences is called transference, one of the techniques psychotherapies rely on. The two main treatments, psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapy, are a long term process that focuses on developing awareness of these unconscious feelings. Psychodynamic therapy, like psychoanalysis, consists of three days a week over a long period of time. It is considered that patients who meet at least twice weekly benefit more than those who do not. Unlike psychodynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on the person’s life as it is now; the current and conscious thought patterns and behavior. They are not concerned with exploring and altering underlying personality patterns or unconscious processes (Kowalski & Western, 2009). The focus is on the present feelings and not the childhood experiences. Cognitive-based therapies are relatively short term and direct. Specific recommendations are made to bring about change in behavior. The sessions are well structured with questioning, and the patient usually is sent home with an assignment (Mote, 2011). While most cognitive behavioral techniques try to alter behavior, such as classical conditioning, cognitive therapy focuses on changing dysfunctional cognitions (Kowalski & Western, 2009). These behaviors are automatic, and not unconscious. Therapy is a process of identifying and altering these automatic thoughts. Cognitive therapy techniques such as rational-emotional behavior therapy recognize the behaviors and works to mediate between the activating conditions and the emotional reactions. As each of the other therapies are more therapist-patient, Humanistic therapies focus on the world of the patient and qualities that make him or her unique (Mote, 2011). The therapy techniques that are used, Gestalt therapy and Roger’s client centered therapy, are primarily based on becoming aware of one’s own emotions, values, and motivations to bring about change. With group therapy, the individuals are concentrated on the individual dynamics and their reactions in the group process. Family therapy is centered on the structure of the family, and the main roots of conflict in family interaction.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
How Effective Is the Media in Creating Dissatisfaction in the Body?
How effective is the media in creating dissatisfaction in the body image of teenage girls? 1. Introductory Paragraph – Attention Grabber: 75% of teenage girls have a celebrity they look up to for a body image they would like to have according to the National Institute on Media and the Family. – Definition of Body Image: Body image refers to one’s sense of his or her own physical appearance influenced by his/her personal experiences, personality and various social and cultural forces. Thesis Statement: The trouble these days is that the media is constantly and greatly impacting the teenage girls of today’s generation who are aged 13 to 19 years of age to having a negative and distorted body image which leads to psycho-physical problems which cause teenagers to go to extremes in order to achieve what they perceive as the ‘perfect’ body. – Question: Do you feel ashamed, self-conscious and anxious about your body? If you do not, you have a negative body image and this essay is meant for you. 2. Supporting Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence: Teenage girls have an increasing desire to be either ultra-thin or to have more sex appeal under the influence of the media which cause a negative body image. – In the magazine, you can see what is considered as the ‘perfect’ woman and what is not the most ‘in’ thing. Teenagers shape how they see themselves based on what they see on television, magazines, newspapers and websites. – Media images depicting ultra-thin and digitally altered women models are the reason for body dissatisfaction in girls.What they see mostly in these advertisements are tall, skinny, flawless, and beautiful women selling fashionable products. – Fashion marketers use provocative marketing campaigns featuring young teenage models such as Abercrombie & Fitch and Guess. These ads are selling more than just clothing to teens. They are also selling adult sexuality. Moreover , the media’s trending definition of beauty as portrayed in celebrities and models would be having a curvaceous bodyline, and large breasts which supposedly increase the sexuality of a woman. Thus, they would eventually feel that they have to look like these perfect flawless women in order to be considered beautiful, though this ‘perfect’ appearance is one that few people can ever attain. Teenage girls are influenced and under constant pressure to be thin, beautiful and highly sexualized and this brings me to my next point on the severe impact of stimulating marketing campaigns. 3. Supporting Paragraph 2 – Topic Sentence: Teenage girls are both mentally and physically affected by pursuing such perfect body images as ensued by the media. Pretty pictures we see in magazines are often not what we would see in real life. However, teenagers aspire and go to extremes to get the ‘look’. Therefore, the media is responsible for creating ideals about bo dy image and the influenced teenagers suffer from inferiority complex and resort to unhealthy practices in order to achieve their perception of the ‘perfect’ body. – Firstly, the ultimate effect of the media on teenagers would be depression, and a loss of self-esteem. A study in 1995 found that spending 3 minutes looking at models in a fashion magazine caused 70% of the women to feel depressed, guilty and ashamed.Also, it has caused the development of unhealthy eating habits as the media often brings about the message that physical perfection is what we should all strive for if we want to be successful. – Being strongly influenced by the media, teenagers who are striving for the ‘perfect’ body and to achieve a strong sense of ‘achievement’ by reducing their weight will eventually start eating disorders. Teenage girls therefore follow blindly to achieve the ‘perfect’ image and suffer from psychological problems such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. refer to page 2 and 3 – preteens) – These psychological problems then lead to physical problems (refer to page 2 – teens) 4. Supporting Paragraph 3 – Topic Sentence: Not only do teenage girls suffer from psycho-physical problems, but they also go to extreme means and take drastic measures such as plastic surgery in order to achieve the perfect body crafted by the media which in turn, creates more health problems for girls. – A study done by BBC stated that three-quarters of girls who have had plastic surgery think it has improved their lives and 71% would do it again.During 2010, there were over 93000 people who had the plastic surgery in USA (if they cannot achieve the perfect body naturally, they would rather do so artificially. ) – Many girls want to undergo plastic surgery as they are obsessed with creating the ‘perfect’ body. Thus, they are open about having normalized surgery.  œ A dying young woman, Lisa Connell spent $40,000 on plastic surgery as she strongly desired to die looking like movie star Demi Moore. She was convinced that surgery would make her look as beautiful as Demi Moore who endorses cosmetic surgery herself. . Concluding Paragraph – After considering the points above, one has to agree that the media has negatively impacted teenage girls both mentally and physically and has caused the desire to have the ‘perfect’ body to take control of their lives. One thing is certain. The media are to be blamed for the 80% of girls who responded to More! Magazine that images of women on television and in the movies makes them feel insecure. The term ‘beauty’ holds different meanings and understandings to every individual teenage girl.The media has a large influence of what society believes is beautiful and what is not and made teenage girls feel insecure and fear that they are not good enough. However, the numerous probl ems and damaging impacts of such a negative body image are devastating and one must be sure that aspiring for such beauty is not the way to go about life. Inner strength is the key towards a happy and successful life and not beauty. We were all crafted and made by God and there is no need to bother about who you are or what you look like. The important thing is to love yourself and that is all that matters.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical devices in the speech Essay
Bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical devices in the speech - Essay Example They easily rely on what the speaker is saying. If the speaker knows the art of misleading, he can change the thoughts and emotions of the listener easily. Rhetoric device is a technique in which the speaker wants to make an impressive expression on the audience. The argumentations are done in such a way that the speaker can get the appropriate result from the audience by making reasoning that can either be real or are stated artificially. The result from rhetorical argumentation can also result in fallacy if the debate or conversation is done falsely. Kane’s speech has numerous examples of bias, fallacies, and rhetoric devices. The campaigner starts his part of speech with the words that â€Å"only one man can rid the politics of the State of the evil domination of Boss Jim Gettys†. This is a fallacy as the campaigner is pointing towards Kane. The campaigner has assumed that only Kane is eligible for demolishing the evil domination of Jim Gettys. They have labeled Jim Gettys rule as the evil domination, thus this has established a bias. As Kane starts his speech, he again creates a bias by calling Jim Gettys a villain and dishonest person. He has unfairly awarded him with these words without keeping in view what the audience thinks of him. And another fallacy is that Kane is sure that he will win the governor election since the voting has not even started. The rhetoric devices in this speech are the repetition of the words by breaking the momentum of normal speech and creating a dramatic effect. Examples are â€Å" Jim Gettys†¦ Jim Gettys has something less than a chance†and â€Å"the working man...the working man†. In the first example of rhetorical device there also exists a fallacy as Kane thinks that Jim Gettys will not win the governorship. The campaigner and Kane both have made arguments and have countered the arguments. Firstly the campaigner has called Gettys an evil and labeled Kane as an ideal governor. He has said this
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Democracy - Essay Example The original site offered a window on the structures and processes of American government. It had extensive links to government departments, and was used by researchers and interested observers both within and outside the United States to locate official documents, and a host of news and debate. From the perspective of the government it provided an opportunity to explain controversial issues and decisions, such as foreign policy moves and legal developments. American democracy was laid out for the world to see, and the site provided a uniquely detailed exposition of the mechanics of government. Different ornganizations, their committee structures, funding , role descriptions and agendas were openly available for all to see. Users could inform themselves about emerging issues, and track back the history of any government decision through the website. A system of tabs and links made navigating the original site very intuitive. In contrast to this the current Ame website is a simple headline title with a search function. This means that users can still search the original content, but only via a keyword search. There is no visual structure any more, and this vastly changes the function of the site. Information is now fragmented and much more difficult to locate.
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