Monday, September 30, 2019
Angel of Death Dr Josef Mengele Essay
During world war two, the holocaust affected millions of lives, especially those of the twins and the children at Auschwitz, who were brutally experimented on with no pan management while under the supervision of Dr. Joseph Mengele. Many died and the rest lived the rest of their lives with severe medical problems. Dr. Mengele was not a simple creature though. The creation of the Nazi angel of death began as a child in a cold distant family, and gradually evolved with his enrolling into college, joining of his political party and the military. Both of which were vital for his desire to perform his twisted experiments. Experiments that were so cruel and brutal he was forced to flee Germany after the war for fear of being put to death himself. What Joseph Mengele did at Auschwitz left his victims scarred both mentally and physically for the rest of their lives. Dr. Joseph Mengele was born to Karl and Walburga Mengele in the Bavarian village of Gunzburg. He was the eldest of three children his two brothers were Alois and Karl Jr. ife at home was not a gentle loving embrace by any means. From all accounts Karl Mengele was a harsh and distant man. One who’s main concern in life was the pursuit of his fortune. Karl owned a factory that manufactured farm equipment. He was never home for he was so preoccupied with work. All this left Walburga with the children and she ruled her home with a cold iron fist, the boys were not allowed and form of pleasure at all they led strict Roman Catholic lives just as their parents did, days filled with hard labor and prayer. Posner & Ware). This cold and emotionally withdrawn life at home is most likely what caused young joseph to defy his father’s wishes of taking over the family business to enroll in college at the University of Frankfurt. Although not an especially outstanding student as far as academics or his marks in school, he was considered to be a bright young man and a very punctual student. It was in the subjects of medicine and the arts of healing that joseph found he infatuated with. But also he held a great interest in eugenics and genetics, specifically genes that caused human deformities and ‘imperfections’. It was also at this time that he became involved with the idea of the unworthy life theory. in 1934 he was awarded a Ph. D. for his thesis ‘racial morphological research on the lower jaw sections of four racial groups. By 1935 Josef had already delved deep in to the world of politics and the military intrigue of the day. In 1937 he was recommended for and received a position at the third Reich institute for heredity, biology and racial purity in Frankfurt. Here he met the man who would become his mentor, surrogate father and the one who would be the inspiration for his most vile acts professor Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer. (Astor). By 1938 Josef, twenty-eight years of age, at the time held positions of enormous power within the Nazi party but that year it all changed when he joined the Waffen SS. Hitler’s elite killing squad, and with his joining of the Waffen SS he was assigned to be the head of Auschwitz the German hell. Mengele quickly made his blood lust apparent when he ordered one thousand gypsies gassed the day after he arrived. But above all his favorite job at Auschwitz was the sorting of the new arrivals. He would be at the train every day in hand tailored freshly pressed uniforms and the while gloves that he would become infamous for. He would walk down the line as the inmates were herded off the cattle cars and with his riding crop he would direct them right or left. Those who were sent to the right were to be put to death immediately. The ones sent to the left were to be made to do slave labor and be animals for the doctor’s experiments. His favorites were the children, especially the twins. Mengele regarded twins higher than all others. The other officers who would aid Mengele in the sorting were given special orders to search for twins. They were even given special quarters away from the rest of the inmates. (Astor). These twins were afforded many niceties that the other inmates would only dream of such as they were allowed to keep their hair, their own clothes and often times given candy; the twins were even provided with medical treatment should they become ill. No one would dare let one of the doctors become overly ill or die from an illness. (Kor). He was infamous for going into a flurry of rage if one of his twins were to die. What was in store for the twins that he loved so much were what can only be described as the most appalling and inhumane events that occurred in the second great war. Some of the tests were fairly run of the mill, questionnaires, and height and weight measurements. Standard procedure for any doctor but the worst was yet to come. Mengele was known for many of his experiments. Just a few of his favorites were those which involved eye color, resistance to disease and live human dissection. Mengele would find pair of twins which he believed was suitable for his desired experiment. (Lagnado & Dekel). The eyes for example one twin would be a control for the experiment. The other would have a colored dye injected into their eye. No anesthesia was ever involved; the insertion of the dye often times would result in nasty infections or complete blindness. Others involved live human dissection of infants and very young children. He carried out twin-to-twin transfusions, stitched twins together, castrated or sterilized twins. Many twins had limbs and organs removed in macabre surgical procedures, performed without using an anesthetic. He also did multiple sex changes and tests to see if twins needed each other to survive one would be placed in isolation with little or no food and no clothes. As part of his normal practice he did not use and sort of pain numbing agents in any of his procedures. While Dr. Mengele was doing these dissection’s he would often try to remove organs and observe the effects that this would have on the live subjects. (Bulow). Although many Nazi doctors justified Mengele’s experiments as scientifically relevant. But they were no more than a sick psychopath acting out his most hellish desires and fantasies. It was a commonly known fact that Dr. Mengele kept trophies from his experiments. He would keep the eyes from his experiments and pin them on the wall of his office much as one would pin a butterfly to a corkboard to be admired later. Also he had a lampshade which he made with his own two hands which was crafted out the ears of the children he had experimented on. Among other things Mengele often tried gene splicing or genetic alterations on his patients. He would do so be transfusing large amounts of blood or other bodily fluids from one subject to another or subject them to massive amounts of radiation. Other methods included but were not limited to exposure to noxious gases or other types of chemical weapons. Dr. Josef Mengele fled from Auschwitz on January 17th, 1945, as the Soviet army advanced across the crumbling German Reich towards Berlin. During the first few years of the post-war era, Mengele remained in hiding on farm near his native Gunzburg. He assumed a fake identity, and worked as a farm hand, keeping informed of events through secret contacts with old Gunzburg friends. Incredibly, he at first aspired to continue his career as a research scientist, but it became increasingly apparent that the Allies were not going to let a notorious war criminal such as he simply resume the life he had enjoyed prior to the war without paying for the crimes he had committed during it. Mengele finally decided that he was no longer safe in Europe and escaped through Italy to an ocean liner bound for Argentina. Kor). Mengele arrived in Argentina in 1949, a country that was ruled by the popular dictator Juan Peron. The right-wing ruler had already cultivated a friendly relationship with Nazis in Europe, as well as with those who lived in the German expatriate community in Argentina. Mengele was able to slip unnoticed into such a setting with ease and had soon established a network of Nazi devotees who were willing to help him assume a new identity in South America. Mengele was to spend the next thirty years on the run from international authorities. While he received aid and shelter from the neo-Nazi network in Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil, Mengele was also inadvertently assisted by a lack of commitment on the part of the West German government to bring the Angel of Death to justice, and a similar lack of commitment on the part of the United States Justice Department. (Astor,137)The Israeli government had no such lack of commitment to his capture, trial and execution. In fact, Israeli agents were close to seizing Mengele on a handful of occasions in the early-to-mid 1960s. However, international uproar over Israel’s kidnapping of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann from Argentina in 1960, and pressing security issues involving hostile Arab states, sidetracked Israeli efforts to pursue Mengele. (Kor). While Nazi-hunters such as Simon Wiesenthal continued to press for Mengele’s capture and execution, the notorious Nazi doctor seemed to drop off the radar screen of most international governments. Interest in his case was suddenly reinvigorated when, on January 17, 1985, a group of Auschwitz survivors returned to the death camp to memorialize friends and family who had perished there. A week later, many of the same survivors gathered in Jerusalem to try Mengele in absentia. The event was televised around the globe, and for four consecutive nights, the airwaves were filled with images of survivors recounting their gruesome, barbaric treatment at the hands of Josef Mengele. Within less than a month, both the United States Justice Department and the Israeli government had announced that the case of Josef Mengele was officially reopened and strategies were redrawn to bring the Nazi doctor to justice. (Kor). However, these fledgling efforts were stopped in their tracks when, on May 31, 1985, West German police raided the home of Hans Sedlmeier, a lifelong friend of Mengele’s, and his contact person in Europe. The police seized several letters from Mengele and other German expatriates living with him in Brazil, and Brazilian authorities were immediately notified. Within a week Brazilian police had identified the families that had harbored Mengele, and through them were able to locate the grave where Mengele’s body had been buried after a drowning accident in 1979. Forensic tests on the skeletal remains confirmed that the body was indeed that of Josef Mengele. (Posner & Ware). Survivors of Mengele’s treatment who had longed all of their post-war lives to confront this cruel and demonic man denied that this could indeed be him. â€Å"Time’s essay said Mengele ‘defiled science†¦ He defiled Germany’†. (Astor,278. ). Many still live for the day when they will be able to extract justice for their suffering from the man who was responsible for so much of it, both during and after the war. At last, Mengele has escaped earthly judgment through that act over which he sought to wield total control of death itself. The horror of the angel of death was still felt and lived on a daily basis long after his death and after the war had ended. Almost all of his victims that survived his atrocious deeds lived life with ever physical and sometimes psychological disabilities. Dr. Josef Mengele was truly the living incarnation of the angel of death his deeds are unmatched even today as some of the worst event to ever occur in human history.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Imagine you are a very lonely person Essay
Today it has been three and half years since I was sentenced to jail for four years. My life in jail is very miserable and lonely, because since I came here no one has come to see me, my family and all my friends have disappeared. Today I was sitting near a visitor area; I saw a lot of people come to visit their relatives, who have been in jail. I remember days ago, before I came to this place, how I was happy with my family and friends, but no one today is coming to see me. Now I feel rejected by every one and for me I’m very hurt by this. It’s night – one of the prisoners is sick and no doctors or nurses to help him. I started to think how it would be if this happened to me. I remembered days ago with my family, when I was sick, they were always beside me trying to give hope, but now I’m disappointed and lonely, because no one will do that, every one who I loved has disappeared. It’s a lovely morning; I still desperate, because one of us has finished his prison term, his relatives and friends are here to take their beloved one. I started to think, when I finish my sentence, will anyone come to meet me? But I remained silent and started to think back to why all of this had happened to me. 5th December 2003 Dear Diary, Today I finish my punishment; I feel happy to finish this, because I know that now I will join my family and friends, whom I haven’t seen for four years. We are twenty people who are being released from jail today. All my fellow prisoners have been collected by their relatives and friends but I haven’t seen anyone, although I waited for two hours, but no one came, I felt sad and disappointed for what is happening to m me now. I asked myself where all the people were who I had spent my life with before I came here; even my family is not here today. I decided to go to my house; when I reached there I was shocked and speechless, because it had changed and I met other people whom I didn’t know, they told me that they had bought that house two years ago. I was shocked, anger and it was bitter painful to me for what my wife had done; I thought, where I will go, because I’m homeless now. I went to my brother’s house to beg for help but when he saw me, his face changed. I didn’t know why. He told me that my wife and kids had moved away after I had been sentenced to jail and he didn’t know where they were now. I begged my brother to allow me to stay for a short time while I looked for a job and a place to live, he seemed unhappy when I said this. At last he allowed me to stay for three days and after that I would need to find somewhere I could go. I went to the room and started thinking about why my own brother was doing this to me; I was anger and frustrated for what my brother said. I thought about the time, years ago, when he had stayed with me in my house for three years and tears started to come from my eyes, when I remembered this and compared it to what he was doing to me now. 20th January 2004 Dear Diary, Today I went back to my company, where I was working before I was sentenced to jail. I met a lot of people, who I had been working with, but they didn’t have time to talk to me, I felt rejected and unhappy. I remember, when we were working together, we were happy and we were very close, but now they were pushing me away from them. My manager told me there was no chance for me to come back; I was shocked and speechless, when he said that. I went back home and started to wonder bitterly why I have all the qualifications, but all the companies to which I applied for work turned down my applications. It was a frustrating and sad time; I told my brother what had happened to me, but he didn’t understand; he chased me from his house and said to me, ‘I don’t care where you go or what happens to you’. I felt heart broken, because I never thought that my brother would do such a thing as this. While I was walking down the street, I saw many people playing and laughing with their families. I remembered my family when we were together and how happy we were. I sat down at the corner of the street and started to think why all of this was happening to me. I stayed there for an hour, just thinking what to do, and I decided the only way to overcome this was to commit suicide, because it was all too much.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
High School and Enrollment Essay
1. 0 Introduction 1. 1 Background of the Study Now days the enrollment processing is always the toughest time the school faces every year. The subject of our study is the Silway-8 National High School, a public school located at Silway-8 Polomolok, South Cotabato. This school employs 34 teachers, 1 principal and has a student population of 1,325 this year. The enrollment procedure of the school is manually done, though they have computer units, they use the computer only for printing ordinary reports and for the student’s computer laboratory session. During enrollment the principal assigns one chairman for each year level to handle the enrollment processing. In using the manual process of enrollment they find it hard to handle such a collection of records. It is a long procedure and time consuming task particularly in recording, filing and retrieving of student’s information. The proponent’s proposed a Computerized Enrollment System that will reduce the processing time of enrollment process. A system that provides a faster and organize way of storing and retrieving student’s record. 1. 2 Overview of the Current State of Technology. The goal of this study aims to develop a Computerized Enrollment System for Silway-8 National High School. This System stores information in a faster, systematic and more convenient way of storing files of the enrollees in a computer . The work load of the enrollment in-charge are lessen in storing files of each student every now and then. The enrollment procedure of Silway-8 National High School is done manually. This manual process of enrollment creates difficulties in handling records, like storing, securing and retrieving of files. The processing aspect is time consuming. They have hard time classifying students for sectioning and they don’t have back up for their records. Once a record is lost they cannot retrieve it. When the school was once hit by flash floods all of their records were destroyed. These are the reasons that brought the proponents to develop a Computerized Enrollment System that will ease the hassle and burdens of the enrollment in-charge with the manual process. In this study, the use of Visual Basic . Net and Navicat for mySQL database will help to improve the efficiency of the enrollment process of Silway-8. National High School. 1. 3 Project Rational As such, having a computerized Enrollment System would increase the efficiency by reducing human error of recording and filing such records. It would also lessen storage area and would provide easy access for reference by the administrator or any personnel if needed. Computerized Enrollment System is design for the benefits of Silway-8 National High School. It will help the faculty in monitoring the records of the students. Computerized Enrollment System is use to make the transaction fast, and accurate. It can display the records of each student through student LRN and all other information. Systems operations proceed faster, more efficiently and with greater accuracy than manual enrollment systems. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem 1. 2. 1 General Problem The Silway-8 National High School is currently using a manual Enrollment System that is cumbersome and inefficient monitoring of Enrollment process. 1. 2. 2 Specific Problem. Manual procedure of enrollment is time consuming, long procedure and records are not secured. It can be easily damaged and can be updated by unauthorized personnel without permission of the administrator. 1. 2 Objective of the Study 1. 3. 1 General Objectives * To help ease the problem in managing records on enrollment of Silway-8 National High School 1. 3. 2 Specific Objectives * To develop a Computerized Enrollment System to handle and manage student’s records that provides easy searching and retrieval of records. * To help the school have a secured data storage for enrollment record. 1. 3 Significance of the Study The significance of this study is to develop a Computerized Enrollment System that will help Silway-8 National High School for a much organized and easy Enrollment System. It will also help secure the data of the school; it will reduce processing time for enrollment since they can easily view the information of the enrollees and print the class list to know the students who are currently enrolled in the specific year. If just in case student fails a subject, through the said system they were able to extract accurate student records. For the proponents, it will help us to cultivate our knowledge and skills in programming and system development as a source of experience. We can then be able to train ourselves and practice in the real world of work of our chosen course. This study aims to develop a computerize enrollment system. With the computerized enrollment systems helps save time for the school and provide faster way on recording transactions. Through this study the researchers will learn the importance of enrollment system in a business organization. The computerize enrollment system is a big help to solve the problems that have encountered by the school. 1. 4 Scope and Limitation 1. 5. 1Scope Computerized Enrollment System is intended for Silway-8 National High School and designed to perform the following: * Can add, edit, update and search information related in enrollment transactions. * It has security access level through log-in forms with different users. * Can provide class list for teachers * Can generate reports and prints. * The System is Network base. 1. 5. 3 Limitations The system cannot be used for other school activities like: * Clinic transactions, science laboratory and supply room transactions of the school. The system does not include transaction like: * accounting * billing * Cashiering * grading system * for class and subject scheduling * Methodology After a detailed consideration among the members of the group, the proponents agreed to use SDLC or the System Development Life Cycle as our methodology for the system that is to be built. One advantage of using SDLC is it can return to its preceding phase in case of errors at any of its stages. The SDLC is the process of creating or changing systems, models and methodologies that is used to develop the system. The idea generally refers to computer information system. The phases of SDLC are shown below. PLANNING ANALYSIS DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION MAINTENANCE Figure: 2. 0 System Development Life Cycles Planning Phase In this phase, the proponents starts to search where the manual evaluation of the process takes place like gathering data through conducting interviews and gather some necessary sample reports to the school and then the group planned to divide the work load to each member. In this phase the project duration and measure was identified to come with a project that is achievable. Analysis Phase The proponents start to gather information to come up with a solution for the problem of the company. Analyzing the process of evaluation by considering the actual evaluation and finding out what the evaluation takes, and build a further flexible, efficient and appropriate system for the improvement of the manual system. The proponents will also identify the requirements that are required in structuring the new system, and how it will improve the transaction being done by the company. Design Phase During this phase, the proponents started to build the system’s interface of the whole system using the information being gathered. The features and functions of the system are individual built to answer the problems and to comply the necessary requirements. The proponents used Visual Basic. Net programming language and MySQL as backed for the said system. Implementation Phase In preparation for implementation, the necessary data for the execution of the system will be collected from respective sources, i. e. the registrar. These data will then be uploaded to the server here it will be imported into the system. Prior to formal launch or deployment, the system will be tested to confirm the availability of the imported data. Maintenance Phase Software Maintenance is a process of changing a system after it has been delivered and in use. After the software is being delivered, changes may occur because of errors have been encountered. 3. 0 Data Gathering Procedures & Output The proponents conducted a group discussion to identify which company we should choose as the subject of our study. After the proponent had chosen a prospect company, the proponents prepared a letter of request for the respondents asking permission in making Silway-8 National high School as the subject of our study. The letter was presented to the school principal Mrs. Eva Cosep with the focus and objectives of the study. Upon the approval of the request, the proponents prepared an outline as a guide questionnaire to lead them in gathering important information needed for the success of the study. With the data being gathered, the proponents were able to draw the structure of the project. Interview – the proponents have an open communication with the user who is involved in doing the manual process of the school transactions. The team was provided with materials and sample documents of the existing reports as well as interview with the individuals involved of the process. Library Research – as additional information for the proposed Computerized Enrollment System the proponents referred to the unpublished and published books found in the library. Internet Research – the proponents used the internet for information gathering regarding Enrollment System. 4. 0 The Existing System 4. 1Company Background The Silway-8 National High School is located at Silway-8 Polomolok South Cotabato. It was establish on June 1986 at present it has 37 faculty staff, 34 teaching staff, 1detailed principal, 3 personnel and maximum of 1,325 students. The total numbers of students are composed of five sections for First Year and Second year, four sections for third year and fourth year, and 65 students per section. The School has 1 computer laboratory but still using manual enrollment system. At present the school principal is Ms. Eva Cosep. 4. 2 Description of the System The enrollment procedure of Silway-8 National High School is done manually. Though the school has computer units but it is used only for the student’s studies and for generating common reports. Every year the school held their enrollment at the gymnasium. The principal assigned one chairman every year level to process the enrollment. The procedure of their manual enrollment system is first the student asks for enrollment form from the chairman and filled it out with the necessary information. The curriculum head (chairman) then checked is the students have complied all of the requirements for enrollment. The chairman takes down the general weighted average of student because that is the basis for sectioning. They don’t have master list of enrollees and when the principal want know the number of enrollees she ask the class advisers the number of students that comprises in her class. 5. 0 Software/Project Estimation 5. 1 Schedule of Activities GANTT CHART MONTHS| JULY| AUGUST| SEPTEMBER| ACTIVITIES| WEEKS| WEEKS| WEEKS| | 1| 2| 3| 4| 1| 2| 3| 4| 1| 2| 3| 4|. Find a Company| | | | | | | | | | | | | Interview| | | | | | | | | | | | |Project Proposal| | | | | | | | | | | | Planning| | | | | | | | | | | | | Analysis| | | | | | | | | | | | | Design| | | | | | | | | | | | | System Coding| | | | | | | | | | | | | Documentation| | | | | | | | | | | | | Implementation| | | | | | | | | | | | | LEGEND UNFINISHED START DATE COMPLETED IN PROCESS 5. 2 Cost Estimation AMOUNT Laptop (2 Units)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ P 60,000. 00 Printing Preliminary printing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ P200. 00 Final Documentation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. P 185. 00 Book Binding†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ P 130. 00 Fare†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦ P 200. 00 Miscellaneous†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. P150. 00 TOTAL P 60,865. 00 | Planning includes budgeting to determine how much it will cost to develop the system. In coping up with the estimated cost the proponents made list of all expenses possibly use in the project. In order to minimize the expenses the proponents don’t need to buy the materials needed because some members of our group can provide it voluntarily 6. 0 Proposed System 6. 1 Proposed System Overview The proposed Computerized Enrolment System of Silway-8 National High School is network base. Our goal is to produce a system that will satisfy the needs of the school and students. To meet this goal, we have created the application in our system that enables user to add, edit, search and insert student’s record. This application is intuitive and easy to use, so that the process of enrolment is more convenient. The proponents developed the system which can minimize the time in order to access on the records of the students, as this enrollment process will much faster than the manual system. The system is comprehensive which provide features such as adding students into list, updating student’s information, sectioning of the students, search and view list of enrollees per section and year level. The system also creates class list for the teachers, by entering their name automatically she/he can view the list of students belong in her class. The proponents created a security access of the system which is only the administrator have the full control over the system to prevent discrepancies from happening. Users have limited privileges. They system also have transaction log which the administrator can view who have access into the system on that certain date and time. The action made of the users can be viewed also. These features are created to protect records from being deleted or damaged. The Navicat for my sql is the database the proponents have used to manage and handles the data being stored. 7. 0 SOFTWARE DESIGN SPECIFICATION 7. 1 Process Specification PROCESS 1: User Log-in Enter username of the user THEN enter the password IF the inputs are correct THEN Log-in successful. ELSE IF inputs are incorrect THEN Log-in not successful Repeat END IF PROCESS 2: Add Student Fill all the fields and set values If fields are valid THEN Successfully added ELSE IF adding is not successful END IF PROCESS 3: Search Student Update all fields If all are valid THEN Successfully updated ELSE IF not successfully updated END IF PROCESS 4: Enroll Student Fill all fields If all inputs are correct THEN Enroll Student is successful ELSE IF enroll student not successful END IF 8. 0 System Implementation 8. 1 Programming Consideration. Basically, the proposed system for Silway-8 National High School has four front-end namely the Bookkeeper, Clerk, Adviser and Principal. The Clerk is able to maximize the work load and activity regarding enrollment system. The proponents basically designed the proposed enrollment system using MS Visual Basic. Net as development tool and Navicat for Mysql as the back-end or storage of the database. 8. 2 System Requirements Specification 8. 2. 1 Hardware Requirements The following are the minimum hardware requirements for complete and proper functionality. For best possible result, the proponents recommend to use hardware higher than the requirements stated below: For Standard Set of Computer with the following specifications: * System Unit * At least 256mb RAM * At least 30GB Hard Disk * At least 16Hz processor * Monitor-CTR or LCD * UPS- Un interrupted Power Supply * Keyboard and Mouse 8. 2. 2 Software Requirements Computer Software or just software is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling computer what to do and how to do it. Below are the software requirements for the system. * Visual Basic. Net * Mysql Navicat * The proponents recommend using at least windows XP operating system installed in the personal computer. However, for better computer performance it is suggested to install higher windows operating system. 8. 2. 3 Human Resources Requirements It is necessarily that a user is a computer literate to be able to operate the computerized Enrollments System for Silway-8 National High School. The designed system is user-friendly that will be easily learned and mastered. The proponents suggest proper training and orientation on how to operate the system. 9. 0 Software Maintenance Plan. We will give the company three months maintenance for the system. After the given time, further maintenance sessions will be charged P500. The maintenance session covers the following: * Debugging of the system in case of any errors. * Updating the system. * Maintaining Hardware components that we required. * Installing new programs and applications that the system needs. * Training of the personnel * Aside from the things mentioned above, we are not responsible to cater other problems except if with payment. Corrective Maintenance The developer will focus on the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors. Corrective maintenance would change the system to correct existing defects. Once the developer finds an error the system must be repair immediately. Preventive Maintenance In this phase, changing some of the system’s component will occur to improve maintainability and reliability to provide a better basis for future enhancement. This performs preventive measures to avoid system errors. Adaptive Maintenance In this phase there would be an occurrence of modifying system’s component in order for the system to accommodate changes to its external environment
Friday, September 27, 2019
Consequences and Significance report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Consequences and Significance report - Essay Example Once they get penetrated into the human body, destroy biological cells and hence process as a whole(Cohen). These radiations are the cause of cancer in most of the patients; whereas genetic disorders produced by these radiations are relatively less frightening. Nuclear power used in nuclear plants apparently seems to be a clean source of energy but it really is not. Like thermal power plants, nuclear power plants also need sinks for transferring heat energy and reduce temperature of the fluid. In case of nuclear reactors, 60 to 70% of energy is rejected into the environment and is not used by the system(Jaffer). This energy is either expelled out of the system by developing artificial lakes or reservoirs or by making use of natural resources. In such cases, the aquatic life is adversely affected and ecosystem is destroyed. Another drawback of using natural water bodies as a heat sink for nuclear reactors is that the water in rivers and lakes gets heated which when falls into the seas thus resulting in sudden climatic changes that may result in calamities. Also increased temperature has resulted in faster melting down process of glaciers and northern and southern caps, thus resulting in increased sea level. A nuclear reactor is not only a threat to the environment due to the emission of excess radiations into the environment, but it also emits hazardous gases into the environment. A nuclear reactor makes use of diesel generators for providing emergency backup system. These generators are also used at least once a month to carry out maintenance processes and thus result in the production of excess GHG emissions into the atmosphere. Not only this, nuclear reactors generate radioactive gaseous emission as well into the environment. These are generated either as a result of radioactive processes being carried out in the reactor or the exhaust of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Ethics and Law in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethics and Law in Nursing - Essay Example This paper will focus on the professional, ethical, and legal implications of the case scenario. Patient analysis Evidently, the patient is under severe depression. An untreated clinical depression may generally last from six to 24 months. Clinical psychologists opine that the chance of recurrence of this disorder is high unless the symptoms have not been resolved properly with treatment. Clinical reports reflect that the condition of major depression often co-occurs with a sequence of other psychiatric problems including lifetime anxiety. Richards (2011), indicates that anxiety symptoms will worsen the depressive illness with a slow pace recovery, increased risk of reoccurrence, greater health problems, and increased suicide tendency. It is also seen that individuals with severe depression may develop cardiovascular diseases if they do not obtain effective treatment on time. In the view of experts in clinical psychology, people with severe depression would not be willing to follow m edical recommendations for eliminating the chances of cardiovascular diseases, and this situation may further increase their risk. In short, people suffering from a major depressive disorder must get proper treatment to completely recover from the disorder. Similarly, the individual has been recently diagnosed with leukaemia and it greatly increases his risk as this disease may lead to complications including repeated infections that are potential to reduce the immunity of the patient. Physicians opine that kidney failure and a fall in number of neutrophils will be the common complications of leukaemia. Finally, the case context tells that the patient is currently undergoing an electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in a psychiatric care setting. The ECT treatment can have a great influence on the patient’s memory, general cognition, and brain structure and hence he may face troubles with normal thinking and decision making. Legal implications From the patient analysis, it is obviou s that the patient is suffering from a severe depression and leukaemia and he may also get impacted by the side effects of ECT treatment. However, the patient is not in an extreme critical situation and he has the ability to see and hear events around him and respond to it verbally. Hence, the nursing staff cannot legally plan a nasogastric (NG) tube insertion for force-feeding the patient. According to Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), nurses must treat patients as separate individuals and respect their dignity. While stating the significance of treating individual differences, the NMC specifically says that a nurse has to act as an advocate for the patient and assist them to access relevant health and social care information. The case scenario indicates that the person had not been properly informed about why NG tube insertion became necessary for him. Hence the nurses’ practice is the violation of the code of conduct of the NMC. The NMC guidelines for NG tube insertion cl early say that care providers must obtain consent from the patient if he has the ability to express his views. In the given context, the nursing staff obtained consent from the patient’s relatives even if the patient had the ability to express his interests. Hence, the nurses violated the rule of NMC
Using Research in Practice Discussion Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Using in Practice Discussion - Research Paper Example This makes for a short visitor list, and it becomes even short if the family is not really involved or expresses little interest in the patient. As such, as a nurse, it is our role to provide compassionate care for all of our patients. It is also important to play particular attention to patients that might not have anyone close to them, even if that patient is not cognizant of their surroundings, or even aware of where they are at. They could still benefit from the soothing words and hand holding that a nurse is welcome to provide, even if immediate family have not yet arrived at the hospital, or for whatever reason are simply unable or unwilling to visit. The compassion theory of nursing is certainly not new. Numerous scholars have analyzed the manner and extent to which nurses can actually aid in the healing process of their patients simply by the actions that they undertake in the routine operations of the profession (Georges, 2013). Not a great deal of research has been published, however, specifically targeting the nurses role in this area when it comes to the intensive care unit and the patients that are healing there. Such a study would be useful in determine how, and to what extent, the gentle touch and healing words that a nurse provides goes towards the speed at which a patient eventually heals from their injuries. The implications of this, naturally, would be immense. Nurses do view themselves as being the helping profession. That much is given. What many nurses might lose sight of, however, is just how important they are to a patients emotional healing, in addition to the physical aspects of their job. When a patient is no n-responsive in the intensive care unit, for example, nurses might not think much about the importance of their touch or words said to the patient. They may simply perform their job related tasks and then move onto the next patient. A research project
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Llean Implementation Using VSM and Simulation Assignment
Llean Implementation Using VSM and Simulation - Assignment Example Thus, this report will be an attempt towards depicting the use of the Lean manufacturing technique for optimizing the supply chain of ACW. Technology drives industry. This is true for industrial sectors especially those belonging to the developed economies of the world. Until the last decade, industries in the United States and Europe (which were some of the most heavily industrialized countries of the world) were so heavily dependent on technological Research & development so much so that a major chunk of companies' budget used to be allocated exclusively for R&D purposes. But, the most glaring phenomenon was that there were no research initiatives in the direction of management let alone waste management. Here waste must not be confused with physical waste, as the following sections will go on to depict. It was not until two decades ago that manufacturing industries realized their folly. They had learnt an important lesson from their fellow counterparts in Japan who had successfully implemented & popularized the use of "Just in Time" policies. The "Just in Time" policy was a conglomeration or in other words, a fusion of the concepts of mass production and scientific management methodologies. ... With the passage of time, the concept of lean manufacturing has gained immense popularity with its varied application in fields ranging from mass production to the services industry. Thus, lean methodologies have been successfully implemented in many disciplines.If one were to look down at history towards various sectors of the industry, it can be understood as to how lean principle have come into being. The roots of lean come from the word-CUTTHROAT COMPETITION. Since the 1970s, regardless of the nature or the services provided by the industry, the emphasis is laid more on how fast can the final product be delivered with optimum quality. If one were to look at Dell's strategy, it would be imperative that dell manufactures custom desktops in less than a week so as to remain a step ahead of its competitors. FedEx has been known to deliver packages within a day and this is the reason for the company's huge customer base and its dominance in the courier industry. Thus, their main strate gy is to think on the basis of adding value to the supply chain, which in managerial jargon, would be known as Lean thinking. Under the lean strategy, the industry strives to identify critical elements connected to the industry that add value to the product along with minimizing the production time.The same is the case with the company that is under focus as far as this report is concerned. The company here is called ACW that is based in Tonypandy. The main objective of this report would be to analyze the current state of workflow using some popular methods under the lean manufacturing techniques and thereupon propose further strategies and changes in order to optimize the work processes further. But before that, a major
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 60
Assignment Example people are satisfied and contented with what they have at present and the concepts of working hard and acquiring more is no longer a driver to progress. Where as the dynamics of Chinese society is highly progressive and competitive, where individuals wants to have more in less time and they work hard for that. This demanding attitude for more work of china as a nation makes it prime target for investment and hence becomes the economy and growth successful. The second and most important reason for its exponential expansion in future is the improved qualification of its workforce. The rapid increase in the enrolment of students in all types of educational institutions such as 100% enrolment in high school and 50 % in colleges shows that soon in future these educated work forces will replace the former illiterate labour. This transition will take place in almost every sector, therefore substantially increasing the productivity of the
Monday, September 23, 2019
General Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
General Question - Essay Example The main purpose of this method of teaching reading to schoolchildren is to provide them with instructional support and a strong basis for the development of reading skills. It requires teachers' involvement in the reading process before, during and after the reading of a basal text. Stages of DRA There are several approximately eight steps in the Direct-Reading Activity. Each step comes with some expectations and advantages to the learning of reading skills amongst children. Step 1: Choose a text and the aim of reading The first step involves the teacher identifying a given text in the basal reader. This means the teacher will have to identify a portion of the reading text and identify the main reading techniques and new vocabulary that can be learnt through the reader. This step is to set the aims, objectives and basis for the whole exercise. This step sets the framework of the entire reading and here, the teacher will know the exact objectives that must be met by the class. This c an be an avenue for the teacher to guide students through the various stages of the reading process. This will enable the students to progress gradually through important stages in the process of learning how to read and comprehend information in a given text. Step 2: Select vocabulary to be pre-taught After the teacher concludes on the aims and objectives of the reading exercise at hand, the next step is to identify new and unusual words in the text. These words are often words that the students have not met before or words that have links to other situations that the children are likely to meet in the future. These words are to be identified and written on the board for the children to understand. It usually helps if the teacher explains the meaning of the words as well as the linkage of the word with other contexts within which the students are likely to meet in the future. The immediate reason for this exercise on vocabulary is to enable the children to get familiar with the mor e difficult words that they are going to meet in the reading. It enables comprehension during the reading process because the students become familiar with the implication of those words and the context within which they are used in the text. The longer term aim of the pre-teaching of words is to help the children to improve their vocabulary. This will help them to acquire new words that will enable them in the future. Additionally, teaching vocabulary before reading also builds the conception of predicting the meaning of words by examining the context within which unfamiliar words are used. This will help students in future comprehension assignments and examinations like SAT and other English language examinations. Elicit prior knowledge on the topic of text After the vocabulary is taught and discussed, the teacher will have to take opinions and knowledge brought forward from the class. This will include discussing matters from the known to the unknown. This implies that the childr en will be called upon to share basic knowledge about what they know about the subject. Thus for example, when you are to talk about a fox in the reader, the teacher can ask about the similarities between the foxes and other animals. Obvious answers that are likely to come about might include a dog and other animals. Then the attributes of a fox as a sly creature or a creature that is not so straightforward can be brought up by drawing into similar tales like sly fox and
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Psychological Impact of Socio-Political Factors Essay Example for Free
Psychological Impact of Socio-Political Factors Essay A society is composed of distinct cultures which identifies itself from others. The cultures of societies are distinct and peoples lives are usually patterned from prevalent traditions, practices and beliefs within that culture. Culture could be held responsible in the upbringing of an individual. People continuously conform on the dynamic culture of the society as they adhere on the norms, practices and values. Culture is an ever-changing feature of a society and incessantly develops and redefines attributes based on lifestyles and conditions. It is influenced by various factors that create sustained tight cultures. This will further result on the variations in cultures of a global society. We attribute cultural differences in its historical and ecological context. Socio- political factors also influenced our culture. These factors influence psychological appendages of an individual. As world trade and globalization are greatly emphasized, interaction across culture is increased and cultural diversity becomes a hindrance to fully achieve its objectives. Socio-political factors are in many forms and are inherently embedded in culture. These factors play significant role in molding the identity of a particular society. Socio-political factors are founded based on our beliefs and values and our behavioral tendencies and they were accustomed in our daily lives (Schneider, 2004). Stereotyping There were so many social groups in every country and it makes that particular nation a diverse geographic area. We could easily picture a collage of the various social groups but we could fail to include the real identities and configurations of these social groups (Stangor Schaller, 1996). We may generate a statement on the perception of the characteristics and utilized it to describe the whole group. For example, Germans are hot-tempered and African Americans are rowdy. This process of thought depicts the conventional definition of stereotypes in social psychology, in which stereotypes are regarded as the main picture portraying the totality or the representation of a particular group of individuals. Stereotyping could also exist in the minds of the persons who are being stereotyped (Stangor Schaller, 1996). Stereotyping is a type of socio-political factor where we categorized people based on our beliefs. Perception plays a large part in the social context. Stereotyping is how we perceive people as established by a particular circumstance. In the course of time, stereotypes are considered synonymous to certain constructs that is ordained in the study of stereotypes. Stereotypes are considered as products of categorization, labels, schemas- these constructs tend to overlap each other for they were closely related (Schneider, 2004). Stereotypes is a result of our behavior towards others, it also affect our behavioral patterns toward different kinds of people. There is a substantial participation of group members in fostering stereotyping in people. Shared experiences suggested that stereotypes grew impliedly when members of a particular group perceived a certain category on the other group of individuals (Schneider, 2004). We think in-groups and out-groups as natural phenomena and we perceive them differently. Categorization of groups evolved into stereotyping. Stereotyping could render negative implications, this includes depriving opportunities to the persons being stereotyped based solely on the biased belief of the one assessing them. Stereotyping could be an individual problem and shall consider that it is not a shared knowledge, but when the perception was common in all members of the community; its effects become more noxious because it affects the whole society in the same way (Stangor Schaller, 1996). Stereotyping, therefore, could be looked at two perspectives. It could exist in the persons mind, as representations of a persons beliefs and values. It could also be viewed as a piece of societys social fabric, a part of a larger scale of commonly shared perception of social groups (Stangor Schaller, 1996). It becomes a question if the existence of social reality is individualized or dwell as a shared understanding. The particular distinction between the two lies mainly in the assumed relevance of this common knowledge and its importance and impacts on the lives of each individual within the social group (Stangor Schaller, 1996). Racism Stereotyping could evolve into other socio-political factors that may render detrimental effects. Racism can be widely utilized in everyday life. The concept of racism is negatively burdened, injected with political and moral descriptions. Therefore, claiming someone to be a racist is considered as inappropriate and even immoral. The definition is inclined for connoting political abuse. The definition also offers significance in the field of academics and raise political and moral argumentation (Miles Brown, 2003). Racism is the generalized body of information, real or imaginary, pertaining to a person or group of individual that render benefits or gain on the racist and expense on the one being judged (Memmi et al. , 1999). Racism is the mistreatment of people based on their race. We all belong in a particular race, human race. This resulted from the inequality in the social structures and configurations. It is also a product of inequitable and unequal stratification of economic, political and social means (Sherover-Marcuse, 2000). Racism is defined improperly. There is no established definition for racism, if we would think philosophically, if racism is defined as morally and politically undesirable. There must be a shared understanding on why it is unacceptable. the definition could not established a concrete criteria on whether an account is racist or not. Utilizing the existing definition, we could be all racists. If the broad definition will be adhered, then it impliedly says that American people are all racists (Miles Brown, 2003). Sometimes the description on the person being discriminated is inaccurate and they were being judged based on their color and cultural identity. Thus, it result to social empowerment of the racists and the judgments were passed into concurrent society that affects everyone (Sherover-Marcuse, 2000). Sexism Another socio-political factor that becomes a major dilemma in the society is the concept of sexism. Sexism directs us in the delving into gender studies, but it is a critical issue for it deals with a lot of aspects of gender inequality. Sexism is the inherent belief of the superiority of a particular sex over the other and therefore claims the right to be dominant in society (Curry, 1995). This will lead us in perceiving that in conventional society male is dominant over the female specie. This is evident in our history books and even in the holy scriptures of religions. Most of the messages were addressed to males. The dominance of males connotes the inferiority of females and the deprivation of prerogatives and rights enjoyed by the other sex. Many uprisings of the women sectors have been accounted in history in attempt in obtaining liberation and equality in treatment and opportunities. For example, the acquisition of suffrage is a pivotal event in womens history and the ability to participate in major economic and political activity was celebrated by women in the society. Although there are claims that sexism no longer exists in our society. We could say that it is impliedly manifested through various of means. There were still claims in mistreatment in the workplace and females were not given equal opportunities. Mass media greatly contributes in reinforcing the concept of sexism through the portrayals of women in ads and programs depicting the traditional concept of women as inferior, weak, dependent and as home providers. There is a lack of portrayal of the emerging female specie- dynamic, strong and nurturing. Psychological Impact These socio-political factors have an undeniable psychological impact to a culturally diverse individual. Each person was raised in a society with inherent culture established that distinguished the group of individuals to other group of individuals. Every one of us is composed of layers of cultural learning ascribed or acquired that make up the totality of our individuality. These layers of cultural teachings were acquired through various influences. Every individual was shaped ethnicity, race, religion, education, profession, organization and parents. These attributes are the primary factors that affect the formation of the individuality of a person. Ones gender, peers, family and origin are also vital in redefining the ones cultural identity (Gardenswartz Rowe, 1998). Because we acquired our cultural teachings in different sources we are programmed differently and were reared heterogeneously. Therefore our individual differences make us culturally diverse. The socio-political factors aforementioned could be well-explained and examined under the specific branch of psychology- Evolutionary Psychology. This new branch of psychology is focused on establishing explanations on mental and psychological traits of individuals. There is a growing symbiotic and significant relationship between environmental and social psychology. Evolutionary theory is slowly infiltrate social psychology researchers. Evolutionary psychology examines new frontiers with specialty, like the socio-political factors mentioned above (Perilloux Webster, 2008). It was argued that these factors shaped a persons psychological mechanisms. It was stated that the concept of self do not exist but it was layers of psychological mechanisms (Perilloux Webster, 2008). These socio-political factors discussed above are somehow interconnected with each other. Stereotyping could render significant psychological impacts in the upbringing of an individual. They may obtain wrong information about persons they stereotyped. For stereotypical roles, though shared by a lot of people could not be regarded as true. Stereotyping will reflect implicit behavioral comments like that there are roles more appropriate for men and women. This will create a general perception that some roles are only intended for a particular sex and that the other could not offer strong decisions and capabilities in participating in these certain fields (Swim et al. , 2001). This also indicates that men are better in male-dominated fields (Swim et al. , 2001). Due to the stereotypical roles and attributes being tagged to persons, they were undermined of their capabilities and capacities. It will also say that women are inferior and passive (Swim et al. , 2001), which is untrue about women nowadays. More women are participating in the fields dominated by male before and show exemplary performance in doing tasks. But the greatest implication would be an animosity for women (Swim et al. , 2001). Because of stereotyping, people will create an attitude towards the stereotyped individual.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Impact Of Political Legal Environment On Business Marketing Essay
The Impact Of Political Legal Environment On Business Marketing Essay The political and administrative system in a country dictates policies formulation its implementation and control of business. Whenever there is a change in the political scenario of a country, there will be a change in economic policies. This is due to the fact that each and every political party does some promises with the people in their election manifesto. Business activities of a country are affected by the policies and directions, shelters and control exercised by the prevailing political system. The political environment of a country is influenced by the political organizations such as philosophy of political parties, ideology of government or party in power, nature and extent of bureaucracy influence of primary groups etc. political stability in the country, foreign policy, defence and military policy, image of the country and its leaders in and outside the country. The political environment of the country influences the business to a great extent The legal environment refers to the principles, rules and regulations established by the government and applicable to people. These regulations come through various legislations. The government has passed and enacted various Acts. Now due to globalization of economy, it became necessary to make changes in these Acts. Economic environment refers to the aggregate of the nature of economic system of the country, the structural anatomy of the economy to economic policies of the government the organization of the capital market, the nature of factor endowment, business cycles, the socio-economic infrastructure etc. The successful businessman visualizes the external factors affecting the business, anticipating the prospective market situations and makes suitable to get the maximum with minimize cost. IMF TALKS ON TRACK Minister of Finance and Planning Dr Peter Phillips moved yesterday to assure nervous Jamaicans and jittery international markets that a new International Monetary Fund (IMF) pact was on track for December. There is a delay in an agreement with the Fund. There is no negotiating, Phillip told the House of Representatives. There is no sticking point on which ourselves and them (IMF) have a divergence of any fundamental views. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT The social dimension or environment of a nation determines the value system of the society which, in turn affects the functioning of the business. Sociological factors such as costs structure, customs and conventions, cultural heritage, view toward wealth and income and scientific methods, respect for seniority, mobility of labor have far-reaching impact on the business. These factors determine the work culture and mobility of labor, work groups etc. Guinness To Give $6.5 Million In Social Outreach Grants Ten Jamaican projects will today be presented with cash grants totalling $6.5 million by the Arthur Guinness Fund as part of its social outreach programme. The top three recipients will get $1 million each while the remaining awardees will each receive half a million dollars. Jamaicans have always been entrepreneurial and helpful. Thats why Guinness sought 10 social entrepreneurs who embody this ideal and who are committed to making positive changes in their communities, said Guinness brand manager Racquel Nevins. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT AND COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT The business in a country is greatly influenced by the technological development. The technology adopted by the industries determines the type and quality of goods and services to be produced and the type and quality of plant and equipment to be used. Technological environment influences the business in terms of investment in technology, consistent application of technology and the effects of technology on markets Technological and competitive environment Lessons from the LIME-Digicel war The social planner desires for the public to enjoy the maximum surplus from participating in any market. In a market economy, however, suppliers have the discretion of selecting the quality and price of their goods and services. The dilemma faced by the social planner is how to direct economic activity such that merchants choose to supply high-quality goods at the most affordable prices. Many are describing the latest developments in the telecoms sector as the beginning of a price war. While this description may be apt, it would be more instructive to appreciate what is unfolding as potent, demonstrable evidence of the importance of opportunity and incentives in social engineering. On June 15, telecoms provider LIME introduced its Talk EZ Plan. Under this optional plan, prepaid mobile subscribers complete calls to subscribers on LIMEs mobile network for $2.99 per minute and to subscribers on Digicels mobile network for $6.99 per minute (pro-rated per second used). This demonstrates that for consumers to benefit from participating in any market, suppliers must be given both the opportunity and incentives to offer high-quality services at the most affordable prices. THE BUSINESS PLAN Mission Statement A published document that details the agreed common aims of a business so that managers and staff may work with a shared sense of purpose. It is also a statement of the businesss core aims, phrased in a way to motivate employees and to stimulate the interest by outside groups. The gain in sports can improve the economy in a very positive way. Hence, a mission statement is formulated. To promote the wellbeing of each athlete that represents the country of Jamaica and ensuring that their attitudes and behaviour is accepted globally, to transfer the gains of the sports to enhance the countrys; image by donating to charity and sponsoring events, making it easy for them in the outside world and the potential to be an example for other country. We also provide products and services that foster and enables growth and development. OBJECTIVES The targets or outcomes that a business will attempt to achieve are its objectives. Overall corporate objectives might include survival, profit market share and growth. The most effective business objectives meet the following criteria: S- Specific objectives of what the business does M- Measurable the business can put value on the objectives A-agreed by all those concern in trying to achieve objectives R-realistic the objective should be challenging but also achievable by the resources T- time/specific time bound they have a limited when the objectives should achieve The gains in the sports have also makes objectives for which to be followed to improve the countrys business and economy. The maximizing of profits- the business will ensure that 50% of the gains will be towards the economy/government to improve infrastures and increases the standard of living of the country. Each major Olympics to increase the gains by 5% every 4 years All athletes have agreed upon the major objectives in the firm and takes it with deep pride and joy to achieve it as successful as possible STRATEGIES Maintain good customer relationship Promote communication to allow the public to be aware of the project that we are undertaking To maintain sponsorship to charities and other Non-Profitably Organisation Promote goods and services to foster growth and development TACTICS Employ a professional receptionist in the organisation so that customer service business will be effective Advertise in the newspaper, television and other means of publication so that the public can be well aware of the various happenings Employ a sales and marketing manager to gather information on the different charity events taking place and the need for sponsorship in the country Production manager is mandatory to ensure that goods and services are provides at the best quality. MILESTONES On the 29 of September a church ceremony was kept to start off the organisation activities On the 1st of October 2012 Sheikhina Reynolds was employed as the new Receptionist in the Firm. Her main duty is to ensure that good customer service is provided at all times. Hence, been effective and efficient while on her job. On the 5th of October the promotion and advertising was done. This was in aid for the public to be aware of the events and the good and services. On the 10th of October sick a meeting was attended to confirm the Charity Events to be sponsored On the 12th a Health Care Fair was kept for the community members. On the 15th of October a donation was made to the government DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Divine Purpose, awesome and unimaginable, creates and sustains the universe. We cannot know that Purpose in the way we know other things. The Purpose cannot be formulated in words, because it abides beyond words, beyond images, beyond our minds, beyond knowing in the ordinary sense. If we could know the Divine Purpose, we would know God; indeed we may rightly consider God to be that Purpose itself. Although we cannot know the Unconditioned Purpose, we may participate in it more or less consciously, more or less intentionally. The Sacred Purpose communicates itself to all of us through our intuition of the rightness of a course of action. Faced with a choice, we have an opportunity to do the right thing, to be responsible. Thus, by following our conscience, we enter into a partnership with the Great Purpose. We can follow our sense of appropriateness, rightness, and opportunity to pursue the spiritual path, to serve others, to serve the future. MONITORING AND EVALUATING TECHNIQUES Evaluation is a way of reflecting what is being done in the organization. These were the methods used: Interview Questionnaire Observation Discussion Survey Analysis of records and data MARKETING OBJECTIVES Marketing objectives define what you want to accomplish through your marketing activities. There are several important factors to consider when establishing effective marketing objectives. SMART Approach = Setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific objectives When setting objectives it is very important to ensure that your objectives are; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time specific, or SMART for short. The SMART approach allows you to effectively manage your marketing activities and importantly be able to determine how successful they have been and whether they have delivered the particular benefits sought. MARKETING STRATEGIES The role of the customer in the firms marketing planning? Marketing planning consist of coming up with marketing strategies that will help an organisation to accomplish its marketing objectives. Customers play a vital role in an organizations marketing planning, as they are the core purpose of the firms marketing plans. Marketing process Marketing process is the process of analyzing marketing opportunities, selecting target markets, developing the market mix and managing the marketing effort. The purpose of marketing process is to increase profit, customer value and satisfaction in an organisation. Brand equity Brand equity consists of a firms brand power, its value, recognition, strength and reputation of the brand compared to its competitors. Brand equity is important, because it increase sales and popularity of a company. Brand positioning Brand positioning is the process by which marketers create an image in their target consumers mind of the firms product or service, compared to their competitors. Brand unique selling proposition A brands unique selling proposition (USP) is the qualities of a product or service that makes it unique and different from its competitors.USP give the product a competitive advantage from its competitors. COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES Communication Objectives are important because they serve as a bench mark in. Planning and decision making While in decision making process communication objectives plays an important role , i.e. how to develop a campaign/media mix selection /and allocating budget to diff. elements Measuring results The success and failure are relative to the objectives u have defined. Good objective are those which are measurable. Communication-based objectives. Sometimes marketers recognize that the prime role of IMC is to communicate and planning should be based on communication objectives. Specific objectives may be to: Increase the % of consumers in the TM who associate some benefit or advantage with our brand Increase the number of TA who prefer our brand over competitors Encourage the current user to use more frequently. COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Communication strategies are common in the business world, where they are used as part of a business plan, detailing how to communicate with various groups of people. A single business may have multiple strategies for different categories of people, such as clients, investors, competitors, or employees. Some companies even have an internal communication strategy for communicating within the business itself. These strategies are used to determine things like what information to share with the clients or investors, as well as how that information should be presented. FINANCING Finance is the study of how investors allocate their assets over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. A key point in finance, which affects decisions, is the time value of money, which states that a unit of currency today is worth more than the same unit of currency tomorrow. Finance aims to price assets based on their risk level, and expected rate of return. Means of Finance can be: Personal Savings Loans from the Bank Close Family Members Other Lending Agencies INCOME PLAN YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Sales 123436 Sales 128347 Less Return Inwards 6578 Less Return Inwards 6500 Less Cost of Sales Less Cost of Sales Opening Stock 12000 Opening Stock 9760 Add Purchases 10580 Add Purchases 11220 Less Closing Stock 9760 Less Closing Stock 7564
Friday, September 20, 2019
Development of Healthy Eating Habits
Development of Healthy Eating Habits Amanda Benicio de Sobral EATING HEALTHY AND GOOD HABITS INTRODUCTION This essay aims to discuss Healthy Eating Habits. The first part discusses about tips how to create and maintain good habits. Also this essay discusses about how you can eat more healthily easily. In the end, the conclusion talk about if is possible to change your habits. Methodology The information of this report is collected from various books and websites about healthy life. These books are written by James Clear, a famous behavioral psychology author and Georgie Moore who is a famous dietician. The most important reference in this essay is James Clear,a famous author who write about behavioral psychology, habit formation, and performance improvement. EATING HEALTHY AND GOOD HABITS According to a study conducted by the Brazilian scientist Andrà © Frazà £o Helene (2014) (professor of the Department of Physiology of the Institute of Biosciences of the University of Sà £o Paulo), fat and sugar, for instance, are rich sources of energy, fundamental for life A FEW GOOD TIPS ON HOW TO CREATE AND MAINTAIN GOOD HABITS In the guide Transform your Habits, by James Clear (year), there are a few precious tips on how to keep one loyal to their objectives: 1) Focus on the process, not the results. As a rule, people tend to rely on results to change their lives. Different results which will transform one overnight. Nonetheless, what seems really necessary is taking up better habits. By changing and sticking to these new habits day by day, the process of transformation becomes much easier to continue, and the results come in turn. Hence, prioritize daily decision making and develop strategies to make your habits and costumes healthier. 2) Rely on habits that are easy to take up At the beginning, think small. It is important to choose something that easily fits your routine. Next, choose a strategy to start this new habit in a way that it is easy enough that you have no excuses not to do it. Lets take Abdominal Crunch or Sit-ups as an example. A good plan could be to start with 2 sets a day. More important than the initial quantity is becoming someone constant in this new routine. 3) Easy-to-remember reminders for new habits Motivation and necessity to change are not directly related not always you will feel motivated to do something. It is actually related to remembering to do it. Therefore, create mental reminders to the habits to take up from now. Such reminders can be anything that triggers your will to put these new habits in practice. For instance, linking the commercials on TV to your time to exercise might be a good idea. 10 GOOD STEPS TO EAT MORE HEALTHILY EASILY 1. Unprocessed FoodAccording to 12WBT dietitian Georgie Moore, there are various downsides of packaged / processed foods, such as high quantities of preservatives, colourings and added chemicals. Packaged foods tend to be higher in fat, salt and sugar than food cooked from scratch, while lacking nutrients and fibre, she states. The solution is to cook unprocessed foods such as lean meat, fresh vegetables, nuts and legumes, as well as organic eggs, milk and fruit. 2. Healthy Whole GrainsApart from containing more texture, whole grains contain considerably more fibre and nutrients than the standard refined ones.Brown rice, wholegrain pasta, quinoa and buckwheat are good examples of substitutes (Moore, 2012). 3. Change to Healthy Cooking MethodsThe simpler, the better. Try grilling, barbecuing, steaming the food. Also, there are good substitutes for the standard dressings and salt, such as balsamic for salad and herbs for refined salt. Pink salt is also a good healthy option (Bridges, 2017). 4. Eat Healthy Portion SizesA healthy dish must be balanced properly. The ideal balance must be a quarter of the food composed of lean protein, another quarter of low-GI carbohydrates, wholegrain carbohydrates, and the other half of vegetables and legumes (Moore, 2012). 5. Understand Healthy Eating-Out OptionsWhen eating out, one does not have to eat everything offered on the plate. A half portion can be asked, and the main course can also be substituted by an entrà ©e size dish, complemented by vegetables. In case you find the menu available online, a healthy meal can be chosen before you leave home. (Moore, 2012) 6. A Food Diary Will Help Your Healthy Eating HabitsKeeping track of what is eaten every day is another good strategy to control the intake of calories. Then, it is possible to analyze and decide on the best balance between the ingredients (Bridges, 2017). 7. Healthy Eating at Social EventsAlthough it is tempting to eat a considerable amount when in social events, if a healthy snack is eaten prior to the event, it will help control the hunger. Moreover, a healthier option at the buffet must be considered, filling the place just once (Bridges, 2017). 8. Plan Your Healthy ShoppingTakeaways are always an easy option when the fridge is empty. It is paramount to plan the shopping and stock healthy options in the pantry (Bridges, 2017). 9. Treats Can be Healthy TooEvery once in a while, we can treat ourselves. Once a week, decide on a meal where you can indulge yourself. It will help relieving the will to eat unhealthy foods, and will set up your calendar, avoiding these foods the rest of the week (Bridges, 2017). 10. Water: Natures Healthy DrinkDrink plenty of water. Water is crucial for a good digestion and for the elimination of waste, as well as paramount for the control of body temperature. According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines a healthy amount for men to drink is 2.6 litres per day and women should have 2.1 litres (or 8 to 10 cups per day). Who keeps a drinking bottle at all times is more likely to keep healthy (Crowe,2013). HEALTHY EATING PLATE The Healthy Eating Plate, created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health, provides detailed guidance, in a simple format, to help people make the best eating choices. Vegetables and Fruits -Should be  ½ of your plate Whole grains Should be  ¼ of your plate  Protein power Should be  ¼ of your plate. SURVEY ABOUT EATING HEALTHY Water According to teachers and students of Ailfe, water is the second most popular drink (behind soft drinks). Students and teachers are drinking enough water, besides, only one of them doesnt drink water. Vegetables Eating vegetables provides health benefits, but according to teachers and students of Ailfe, cook vegetables is difficult and spend a lot of time, that is why the results show that once a week is how many time they have vegetables. SURVEY ABOUT EATING HEALTHY 1) How many cups of water do you have per day? None à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 2 cups à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 4 or 6 cups of water à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ More than 6 à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 2)How many portions of vegetables do you have per week? None à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ Once a week à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 3 or 4 portions per week à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ everyday à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 3) How often do you eat whole grains? None à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ Once a week à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 3 or 4 times a week à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ everyday à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 4) How many portions of protein (meat, fish, eggs, milk) do you have per day? None à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 1 portion à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 2 portion à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 3 or more portion à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 5) How many portions of fruits do you have per day? None à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 1 portion à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 2 portion à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ 3 or more portion à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ CONCLUSION In conclusion, although the world is becoming faster and our routines gradually busier with the globalized life, people can still eat healthy foods without much effort. There must be determination and discipline enough, but where there is a will, there is a way. Developing strategies to create new habits, focusing on daily eating practices, anyone is able to improve life quality without arduous dedication. There is always possibility to change, and change for better. THE REFERENCE LIST Kedouk, M. (2014). Changing Habits: A Science Explains Why Its So Difficult. Retrieved from Clear, J. (2013): Transform your habits. Retrieve from
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Help Remember The 1980s :: essays research papers
You're an '80s child if... 1) Snap bracelets were always getting you in trouble at school. 2) You played with "My Little Ponies". 3) Friendship bracelets were ties that couldn't be broken. 4) You’ve ever read Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Babysitters Club, or Sweet Valley High. 5) You know all the words to "Ice Ice Baby". 6) You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween. 7) You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members. 8) You wanted to be on Star Search. 9) You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before he had Plastic surgery. 10) Heaven forbid you wore one of those T-shirt rings or a scrunchi on one side of your shirt during your youth. 11) You were styling with your French rolled pants. 12) You wore multiple pairs of socks in the middle of the summer just so you could Be "hip" 13) You had puff painted your own shirt at least once. 14) You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on its butt. Cabbage Patch Kids! 15) You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout." 16) You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off" 17) You were upset when She-ra, Princess of Power, and He-Man cancelled. 18) But the commercials in between were for Barbie and the Rockers and you knew all the words to all their songs. 19) You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for endless hours, back when they were new episodes. 20) You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock. 21) You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future." 22) You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name." 23) You wanted to be a Goonie. ("Goonies never say die.") "Yes!" 24) You remember Madonna in her cone stage. 25) You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince." 26) You even wore fluorescent-neon clothing... 27) You could break dance, or wished you could. 28) You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system. 29) You remember M.C. Hammer. 30) You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air". 31) You own any cassettes. 32) You owned a pair of LA Gear, Keds, or Converse tennis shoes. 33) You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlin or an ET lunchbox.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
privatization :: essays research papers
The social impact of privatization has been an appendage rather than being built into the design of public sector reform programs and particular measures from start to finish. The objectives and the process of privatization has to be rethought because democracy requires the fullest participation of all people in American society, not just those deemed to live in the â€Å"public sector†. What is happening is not only increasing fear of the poor, but also the privatization of public space, which is given an added push by government cut-backs. Public streets are moved indoors into malls and become private preserves. Parks and streets in gated communities are barred to anyone who does not live there. User fees are charged for the use of other parks and public facilities so that, in practice, they become the property of those who can afford the fees. Privatization of the home sector begins with high fences, heavy gates and barred windows, then proceeds to the hiring of private police to patrol the neighborhood. When that still does not produce the attitude of security, the next step is gated communities: whole subdivisions, entire condominium developments, or apartment complexes protected from the outside world by armed guards or electronic security. Ironically, the gates only provide an illusion of security, as the authors of â€Å"Fortress America†demonstrate both through the testimony of interviewees and by demonstrating the penetrability of gates by sneaking through them. Moreover, while residents idealize the gates as a means of creating community, they find that gates can actually promote divisiveness, as residents argue about gate policy and homeowner's association policies. More ominously, Blakely and Snyder argue that gates lead to increasing polarization, us-vs-them attitude of citizens, leaving cities deprived. Among the deprived and polarized are children. They are usually denied a variety of culture as many gated communitites tend not to be richly diverse in class or ethnic standing. This deficiency of being raised surrounded by diversity can play a key role in the increase of feelings of apathy toward those of different ethnic or social background; and in extreme cases, can lead to school violence. Young people who grow up together in the streets and in the poorer neighborhoods are more likely than others to develop attitudes based on respect, and on the pleasure of being together. Gated communitites have a tendency to become inward-looking, withdrawing into itself, combined with a rude, exclusive and stigmatizing attitude with regard to particular groups or individuals who are perceived as threats; or increased social control by one population group over another.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
In view of what we know of Beatrice and Benedick from Act I and Act II, Scene I, how realistic is Don Pedro’s aim to bring them together?
Beatrice and Benedick are the two major characters in ‘Much Ado About Nothing' that provide comic relief. Their ‘merry wars' of words and phrases as described by Leonato, are frequently throughout the play examples of Shakespeare's magnificent ability to bring about amusement in his plays. In Act I and Act II scene I, Beatrice and Benedick are reunited after Benedick and the other soldiers return from war. Beatrice almost instantly jumps into a frenzy of lyrically punishing Benedick, who after a war of men begins a war of words. From the beginning of the play even before Beatrice and Benedick begin their battle of wit, it is evident to the audience that she has some kind of strong feelings for him, whether they are feelings of hate or of lust or of something in between or that they. Thought their insults are biting, their ability to maintain such clever, interconnected sparring seems to illustrate the existence of a strong bond between them. This is shown when the messenger arrives to bring the news that the war is won and the heroes are soon to return. The conversation focuses on Count Claudio and his bravery, ‘the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion,' however Beatrice almost instantly changes the subject by asking the messenger if ‘Signior Mountanto returned from the wars or no?' Although this is an insult, it is evident that Beatrice could not wait to find out how Benedick was. The audience are instantly given the impression that she disguises her feelings for him. She continues talking about Benedick with the messenger and Leonato, who states that ‘There is a kind of merry war betwixt Signior Benedick and her; they never meet, but there's a skirmish of wit between them'. Beatrice argues back that ‘in our last conflict, four of his five wits went halting off†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.He hath every month a new sworn brother†¦.he wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat,' meaning that he has no true friends and he changes his faith as often as he changes his hat. To add to this, the other soldiers who return from battle, who bear prominence in the play are Don Pedro and Claudio. Claudio is instantly paired up with Hero, although this does not officially happen until the party later that night, on stage and in films they stare at each other as if love struck. The same goes to Beatrice and Benedick at the reunion, except they do not stare at each other as if love struck but moreover as if they cannot wait to resume their ‘merry war'. This feeling becomes quite obvious when Beatrice speaks almost instantly after Benedick enters the conversation, it is as if he cannot be part of something without her being part of it as well, even if she is bullying him. Shortly after everyone leaves the stage apart from Benedick and Claudio. Claudio expresses how Hero has caught his eye and Benedick dismisses her as ‘too short'. From this conversation we learn that Benedick thinks he will never fall in love and does not believe in marriage. ‘I will do myself the right to trust none; and the fine is, for the which I may go the finer, I will live a bachelor', in turn this casts a shadow of doubt over any forecasts that members of the audience could have made about Beatrice and Benedick being paired up. However, from the beginning it is obvious that Benedick is an entertaining character and unlike his counterparts Don Pedro and Claudio, what he says is not taken especially seriously. Furthermore, at the beginning of Act II Scene I Beatrice also reveals herself as anti-marriage, ‘Just if he send me no husband; for which I am upon my knees every morning and evening.' She adds to this statement by stating that she imagines married people go to hell and single people do not, however in addition to this she says, ‘he shows me where the bachelors sit, and there live we as merry as the day is long,' this suggests that she hopes to have some kind of fun with bachelors in the future which brings us back to Benedick's belief that he will always remain a bachelor. From the end of Act I and the beginning of Act II Scene I we have learnt that both Beatrice and Benedick possess anti-marriage views, but given that they are both histrionic and insecure characters, nothing can be taken for granted. It is noticeable that Beatrice talks about Benedick a lot and often in conversations about subjects that bear no relation to him, she finds a way of interpreting the conversation to make him the fundament – usually criticising him of course. For example at the very beginning of Act II when Leonato and Antonio are having a conversation about Don John's absence at supper, she compares him with Benedick abruptly. This furthers the readers/ members of audience beliefs that she has an interest in Ben. Beatrice and Benedick are perhaps Shakespeare's most famously witty characters, neither ever lets the other say something without countering it with a pun or criticism. One notable characteristic of their attacks upon each other is their ability to extend a metaphor throughout lines of dialogue. When Benedick calls Beatrice a ‘rare parrot-teacher,' Beatrice responds, ‘a bird of my tongue is better than a beast of yours'. Benedick continues the reference to animals in his response saying, ‘I would my horse had the speed of your tongue'. It is as if each anticipates the other's response. It is suggested in Act I Scene I that Beatrice and Benedick have previously been lovers, but Benedick led Beatrice on, perhaps this is where her viciousness towards him stems from. This is suggested in this quotation: ‘Benedick set up his bills here in Messina and challenged Cupid at the flight, and my uncles fool, reading the challenge, subscribed for Cupid,' she describes a battle of love between herself and Benedick which she has lost. At the masked ball later that night Beatrice dances with Benedick, the audience is unsure whether she simply does not recognise him due to his mask, or pretends not to recognise him. Nonetheless, she cleverly insults him, leaving him a nervous wreck as he cannot reveal himself to be Benedick. ‘Why, he is the prince's jester: a very dull fool; only his gift is in devising slanders†¦..and the commendation is not in his wit, but in his villainy.' She is mocking him and saying that his jokes are boring and nobody finds them amusing. I believe that Don Pedro's aim to bring together Beatrice and Benedick is reasonably realistic. There are many times in Act I and Act II Scene I that the thought of the two of them marrying seems almost impossible. For example when Benedick swears he will ‘live a bachelor', and when Beatrice is on her knees every morning and evening thanking God that she does not have a husband. However, Beatrice and Benedick are both very melodramatic and provide most of the comedy in the play, this gives the reader the view that what they swear cannot be taken as seriously as for example Claudio. From the beginning of the play, it is obvious that there is a strong bond between them. It appears that the ‘skirmish of wit' between them is a cover up for what is a strong bond underneath all the exchanging of criticisms. In act I, Beatrice shows that she thinks about Benedick a lot, by asking the messenger if he has returned from war and by talking almost every time he says something. This also shows in the first scene of Act II when she brings him into the conversation at the masked ball out of the blue. In the end, Don Pedro's plan was a success.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Analysis of Impact of Immigration on Uk Nationals Trying to Find a Job Using Entman’s Definition of Framing.
Immigration in Uk- although not a recent occurrence, has become one of the most pressing social and economic issue for the country in the present times. With migrant population escalating by 22% during the open door policy period of 2000 to 2005 (Mail Online, 19 April 2012) and the number of immigrants and foreign born residents at its greatest than anytime in the history, immigration has also become a controversial political issue in Uk.In this essay, using Entman's model of framing, I will examine how the media and different political actors exercise framing of arguments supporting and opposing immigration and it's impact on British nationals trying to gain employment. Entman defines framing as â€Å"to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text , in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation and/or treatment recommendation for the item described. (1993:52) The key points in E ntman's model of framing are selection and salience. After a more or less conscious selection process of a matter, salience is given to certain elements to establish argument about the problem, its cause, evaluation and the solution to the problem – the four main purposes of framing. The news media frames the high unexpected numbers of immigration from European Union and non European Union countries, defining it not as an issue but as a potential problem and a socio-cultural threat to the country.The existing schemata in the belief system of present British population also view immigration as a potential problem due to the rise of foreign population. Schemata are the cognitive mental frameworks that help us perceive reality. Watson suggests that these existing schemata hugely affect our responses, despite our efforts to maintain impartiality. Therefore for successful communication, the communicator selects the issue of their interest highlighting the elements that fit with th e receiver’s existing schemata. (2003:187)I have chosen two contradicting news media articles on impact of immigration on employment of people in Uk, by MigrationWatch Uk and The Guardian, written with different political ideological perspective to analyse how framing a text in different ways serves different purposes. After the careful problem definition, framing diagnoses the problem addressing the associations and the sources of the problem. MigrationWatch Uk (6 Jan, 2012) diagnoses the high number of immigrants specially European Immigrants, to be a hindrance on possibilities of British nationals' employment.The article stresses on all the negative impact immigration has had on the local youth pointing out that the high number of skilled immigrant working for lower wages has thinned the chances of British born of getting the jobs they would have got were it not for the immigrants. On the other hand, the article published by The Guardian is in stark contrast with the forme r article which states that â€Å"Immigration to Britain has had little or no impact on the overall levels of unemployment, even during the recent recession. (10 Jan, 2012) The article claims of having no evidence of negative impacts of immigration on employment in Britain. Therefore, a different diagnosis on the same issue shows how communication texts can be framed by giving salience to different elements. The moral judgment then prompted by the framing of immigration suggests that the European Union(EU) immigrants have taken maximum advantage of the open border policy therefore abusing Britain’s generosity.By highlighting the numeric data of high number of British youth unemployment and EU employment, since 2004 till 2011, and showing the enormity of the problem, MigrationWatch UK suggests stopping anymore immigration and lowering the current number of immigrants as the only possible solution to minimize the negative effects of EU immigration on employment. Migration Watc h Uk is an organization which opposes high level of immigration in Britain and is open about its anti-immigration policies.The report published by the organization as part of the ‘zero net migration' campaign can be argued to be biased in its framing of immigration as it portrays youth unemployment problem as an immigration problem itself. The report has omitted the issues like the recession and lack of qualifications during the selection process and giving salience only to comparison of number of employed EU workers with the number unemployed British youths. The Guardian (10 Jan, 2012) on the other hand frames immigration as a trivial issue in relation to impact on employment, disregarding the seriousness of the issue nd omitting the factual numeric data- admitting to only a slight impact on employment of less skilled people. It points out that the rise of youth unemployment was prevalent before the large flow of immigrants from the European Union since 2004. Any conscious or unconscious framing of any text carried out by the communicator are the product of the communicator's frames or schemata that organize their perception of reality. However, Entman also argues that the frames, in a communication process, also exist in the receivers of the text and the culture apart from the communicator and the communicating text. 1993:52) Influenced by various physical, and social factors, the receivers have their own set of frames that navigate their perceptions and their judgments which may or may not coincide with the communicator's framing judgements or the frames in the text. Similarly, common frames or schemata exists in culture among different people in a social group sharing similar belief systems. For example, People from an area with dense immigrant population might criticize The Guardian's article for undermining the potential threat of immigration as they have witnessed the losing jobs to immigrants and agreeing with MigrationWatch Uk's report.While peo ple from more affluent places might criticize the latter as they believe immigrants are taking up domestic and labour works for them that British nationals would not do hence leaving the high skilled jobs for British people. â€Å"News frames make the world beyond direct experience look natural; they are principles of selection, emphasis and presentation composed of little tacit theories about what exist, what happens and what matters. ( Glitin 1980:6 in Allan 2010;74) News hugely influence the choices of audiences by the way they present a communicating text by arranging issues and framing them in the order they are to be comprehended and made meaning out of them. The readers of MigrationWatch Uk are influenced to perceive both EU and non-EU immigration as a grave employment problem Britain is faced to tackled with. It influences people either aware or unaware of other issues the country is facing in regards to employment , to perceive immigrants as solely responsible for lack of youth employment opportunities.The report can also trigger people already in disapproval of immigrants to develop anti -immigration attitude leading to rejection of foreign nationals and xenophobia. While The Guardian, on the other hand fails to illuminate the exact factual details of the high amounts of working immigrants that points out the seriousness of the matter. As a left winged news provider, The Guardian comes across as biased on immigration issues. Readers can perceive the article as covering up the bad news or important information of the high amount of unemployment of youth by giving more priority or salience to inaccuracy of the MigrationWatch report.This shows how the coverage of the same matter by a different organization with a different ideology , has framed the matter in a different light. News media frame the events in a way that highlights the components that advance the story and interest the viewers and are much less concerned with the underlying conditions of the events and components that explain the event rather than advance. (Giltin 1980:28 in Allan 2010:7) Although framed in different perspectives, both the articles show an understanding that the issue of immigration overall appeals to all audience irrespective of their right winged- left winged political ideology.The readers may or may not be able to relate the disorderly events of the world to their cultural belief systems or schemata. Therefore, by framing the events or issues and highlighting the components the communicators want the viewers to acknowledge, they present the events in an orderly and understandable way to the readers. Framing gives meaning and order to the numerous arbitrary happening in the social world by composing them into ordered meaningful events therefore becoming an efficient and important attribute in prevalent news presentation systems.Although, the issue of impacts of immigration on employment as well as on various other factors in Uk is being treated di fferently by different media organisations, and presented in different ways highlighting different aspect of the issues- some news media arguing on fears of unemployment, declining public services and social security and decreasing wages while some news media stressing on arguments related to cheap labour force and economic growth- as immigration turns into a physical and economical threat from being just a cultural threat, the problem becomes more politically prominent and less polarized pproach and responses of the problem by all news media is imminent. Bibliography: Entman, R. (1993) Framing: Towards Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm, Journal of Communication, 43(4): 51: 58 [online] Available at: [Accessed: 22 April 2012] Gavaghan, J. (2012) Immigration boom under Labour changed face of Britain faster than any major country except Italy, Oxford experts reveal. Mail Online. [Online] 19 April Available at: < http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2132012/Immigration-boom-La bour-changed-face-Britain-faster-major-country-Italy-Oxford-experts-reveal. tml> [Accessed 26 April, 2012] Green, A. (2012) Youth Unemployment and Immigration From the A8 Countries. Migration Watch Uk. [Online] 6 Jan Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2012] Stuart, A. (2010) News Culture, 3rd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press Travis, A. (2012) Migrants do not affect jobless levels, say researchers. The Guardian, [Online] 10 Jan. Available at: [Accessed 23 April, 2012] Watson, J. (2003) Media Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Process, 2nd ed. Basingtoke: Palgrave
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